Wednesday, July 10, 2013


When ever I talk to women about fitness, they always refer to a stress-or in their life holding them back. It's an Excuse! Face that and you will change your thought process.

We all have stress. It's how you manage it that counts.

Unexpected challenges and circumstances good or bad cause stress.
Stress wreaks havoc on the body.

Many people approach me about nutrition and exercise. 

It is a learning process. You can and will feel amazing when you fuel your body with healthy food and nutrition. Try new recipes, read a fitness book, and never stop educating yourself!
ASK questions!!

Typically within an hour of waking up.

Diet is 80% of the challenge. Lifting weights is a must! 
As we age we lose muscle mass each year. Muscle revs the metabolism and keeps you lean. Don't be afraid to lift weights, you wont get huge muscles. We don't have enough testosterone!

However, you will have to over come your own challenges. We are each unique. 
I can only give you tips and advice. You are in control of your life.

First rule: This is hard for many women.
You always have to make yourself the priority. 
When you're happy, everything else in life falls into place.

You have to believe in yourself! All to often I hear women say "they can't" Can't means WON'T. Step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself!

My client today did a chest exercise. She pushed herself and did more reps then she thought she could. That little bit of a push can make a huge difference. I saw the excitement in her eyes. A simple goal reached is a HUGE accomplishment. 

Stop comparing yourself to other's. Compete with yourself.

We all fall down and have slip ups. Don't let them hold you back. 

Get up and dust yourself off!
Put your fighting gloves on and come out stronger.

These last few weeks I slipped up. I fell back into bad habits.

Thank God I've been at this long enough that my slip ups don't last more then a week. That wasn't always the case. My slip ups could be weeks, or even months long.

Some times we need to fall, to remember how far we've come. Makes us appreciate where we are.

Sometimes getting closer to your goal can be scary. We do everything in our power to keep it from being achieved. 
Over eat, negative thoughts, abuse alcohol, binge, what ever your escape is, don't let it win! 

Make a plan. Write it out and post it somewhere. If you fall off, start back with the next meal/next workout. 

Always have a snack preferably non perishable, raw unsalted nuts, dried fruit (non sulfa), protein powder, fresh fruit, pre-made oatmeal bars. Limit your protein bar intake as it's not real food and filled with additives and high in sugar. They are almost like a glorified candy bar.

Always carry a bottle of water. Glass or BPA free. DO NOT reuse water bottles they break down and become more toxic.

Find time to exercise. If you say you don't have time you're really saying it's not a priority!

You are accountable for what goes in your mouth. 
Eat crap - you'll feel like crap.

I eat very healthy. People think I have a limited diet. I probably eat more of a variety of food in one day then most people eat in a week on the Standard America Diet (S.A.D)

Fast food is tasteless. Wake up your taste buds with fresh fruit and veggies. Your taste buds will adjust. I promise!

You must cook! Do not buy or limit "healthy" pre-packaged,canned, frozen foods.
They are loaded with added preservatives(chemicals)which mess with hormones and wreak havoc on the body. Eat more natural foods. ex.. grown from the garden or if it has a mother;)