Saturday, May 18, 2013

Give A Hoot Don't Pollute

I find myself recently annoyed at people who leave their trash anywhere except the garbage can.

If I pass left trash near my car, on my way into a store, etc. I can't just walk by it. I pick it up and carry it to the trash can. If your a germ phoebe-place in trash- go immediately to the sink..=)

Why people still litter and pollute is shameful. We need those commercials back "GIVE A HOOT DON"T POLLUTE"

As I walk into a store it never bothered me as much as it does now. I find myself unable to just walk by and leave the trash, left cart, etc.

Why am I writing about  this?

I've always had a huge pet peeve with people leaving popcorn and soda containers in the movie theater.  The workers are not YOUR MAID. Pick up after yourself.  How can you walk away and leave your trash for someone else? You carried the popcorn in. Why? Dear God- can't you carry it out. Toss it in trash can. Which by the way is placed right outside the theater door!

Tonight, I brought Jordanne to see Jurassic Park 3D. The movie was packed with folks. As the movie ended  we sat and waited for the crowd to exit. While sitting I noticed an empty (huge) soda right in the middle of the isle. You know large movie soda's look like a liter bottle. Very noticeable.

As I sat, I watched multiple folks walk around it or over it. NO one picked it up. They did lift their foot to walk over it or step around it.  As I sat watching I was appalled and thought I'll get it once the crowd lessens.  Just then a young girl about 10ish bent down without her parents knowledge and picked it up. Awesome!!

I stopped her and her parents. I said, "I want you to know about 15 or so adults just walked over or around that. YOU stopped and picked it up without anyone asking you. Good for YOU! You should be very proud of yourself. Thank you;)

Catch someone doing something good and without any direction is awesome to see.

If we continue to trash our environment and living space how can it stay beautiful? I want to run/bike ride/drive down the road seeing flowers, tree's and grass. It's so easy to toss your trash in a garbage can. There are so many available garbage cans all over. There is no excuse.

Be proud and take pride in your living environment.

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