Friday, March 15, 2013

Emotional Eating and tips on how to end it...

We have tried numerous diets. We have been successful at times. 

Now it's time to dig deep~ this task is not easy my friend but will be rewarding and eye opening!

Emotional Eating:typically this happens after your normal 3 square meals.

Once you figure this out you will be successful at 
               KEEPING THE WEIGHT OFF. 

All to often we eat out of boredom, anxiety, sadness, rejection, guilt,success and even happiness. 

Until you find your reason you will continue to sabotage and yo-yo diet. 

*This my friend is not easy and will require homework! You  have to listen to your body. It is an eye opening experience  

Once you learn your triggers you can re direct these sabotaging habits with healthy alternatives.

Many people eat their feelings~stuff them down: 
I'm sure this isn't news to you.

First you have to recognize your triggers.
This is why keeping a diary of food is so important. 
Second realize this is not only with food. It could be with work, exercise, cleaning, alcohol, or any addictive trait you have.

~Food never says NO! 
~You may feel guilty about something and the food comforts you. 
~You feel like a failure
~some people fear success.

The list goes on and on

~On the other end. People eat when they're really happy and excited (This is my issue~ mostly) 

I believe it stems back to childhood. We always celebrated with food. Birthdays, Graduation, heck ANY exciting milestone in life we went out to eat. This is how I eventually associated food with reward.

For YEARS I felt like I was "Entitled" to eat out and it was a punishment to eat home. Crazy right?! This is how I was sabotaging myself.  No one ever told me to feel this way, it's just something I developed myself over time. You have to figure out yours.

I would lose weight and feel fantastic! Then I would "reward" myself by going out to eat. This only lead to sabotaging myself and putting myself back on the roller coaster of "DIG IN" you can afford the extra calories! 

For weeks I would "fall off the wagon" only to feel defeated and back at square one;( 

A few weeks later, I would get back in the gym and start all over again. Only, to repeat this pattern over and over.  I think this is the definition of Insanity...LOL  At the time I did not see the pattern. It's looking back now...

Eventually, I realized what my triggers were.It's a process and still I'm learning...

One example: Hot fudge Rocky Road ice cream. My favorite! Actually, since I've conquered this I can now pass it up. 

When I feel like eating a hot fudge sundae or driving miles out of my way to pick up ice cream. I stop and ask myself~Why do I want this so bad right now? What am I FEELING right now? Do I really want this? What am I not facing?

It could of been that hurtful thing a co worker/friend/family member said. 
A fight you just had with your significant other.
Stressed at the kids, work, life
You didn't get the promotion
Again the list goes on and on~

Once you can answer these questions you can re direct and resolve your feelings.


 Honestly, once I answered these questions and found the root at that moment. I didn't feel the urge anymore. 

The answer is there but you have to focus and ask in the moment BEFORE you sabotage.  You become so focused and high on this treat that your basically push/stuff the problem down with comfort food. 

TIP: AT THAT EXACT MOMENT OF SELF SABOTAGE BEFORE YOU OPEN THE BAG/BOX/CAN ASK YOURSELF~ WHAT AM I FEELING? WHY DO I FEEL A STRONG CONNECTION TO THIS FOOD RIGHT NOW?  You will honestly be amazed that there is a connection. Stop this cycle and you will be successful, your relationship with food will change.

What food do you run to? Think about WHY you eat it? What does it remind you of? how do you feel when your eating it? It's the after affect that leaves you feeling defeated. Before this happens Ask yourself those powerful words and answer them honestly. 

EXAMPLE: Ok, she pissed me off. Now I'm mad....Mad may mean hurt,hurt may mean you may feel rejected. See you have to dig deeper than just I'm pissed off.  

I hope this helps you on your journey as this is a huge key to your success.

Learn to love and fuel your body with fresh foods. Fueling your body with nutritious healthy food will result in harmony and peace within the body. 

No one ever felt weighted down or defeated after eating broccoli;)

Make good decisions today and get moving!


Unknown said...

Awesome,Jackie ,thanks so much for doing this blog

ambro2kids said...

Love you blog! Emotional eating, eating too much - This is what I need to focus on.