Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Reading tricky labels-I almost fell for this!

I recently learned the maple syrup we top our waffles with is colored brown liquid sugar? There isn't a drop of real maple syrup in the ingredient list.

Most pancake syrup is colored high fructose corn syrup.  (HFCS) or another type of colored sugar. *Remember this is an ingredient to avoid*

See picture below:  Log Cabin Syrup is the most shameful for trying to trick the public!!

On the front they wrote NO "HFCS" Ok they caught my eye
2. Its in a fancy maple syrup bottle~ it must be real?! I think.....
3.Its cheap...score.... (if you didn't know~ I am a coupon queen. A trait passed down from my amazing mom;)

I think "AWESOME" UNTIL..... I turn the bottle around to read the ingredient list.

SURPRISE.- not a drop of real maple syrup in the ingredient list?! What? how could this be? 
Colored liquid sugar and a few other ingredients they call "NATURAL" (another issue. For a different blog:)

What they did- switched the bottle to make you BELIEVE it was "real maple" wrote the catch phrase "no high fructose corn syrup" (a plus knowing consumers are now avoiding this ingredient),  It wasn't until I turned it around and read the ingredient list.

They were banking on me falling for there legal trick on words. It's wrong!!!
**Again the companies only interest is making MONEY. 

What should you buy?

Answer: You want to make sure you choose Real Maple Syrup.  There should only be ONE ingredient -Maple syrup.

I know it is expensive!  I try to buy mine at BJs or another whole sale club.  They have a few brands in a large (same similar bottle below) and it's organic 100% Real Maple Syrup for around $12.00.  The kids actually love it! I'm embarrassed to say it took me some getting used to.

If you don't need a large bottle any store sells it. Usually in a smaller glass bottle located above the other  host of pancake syrup.  BUT still read the label. The glass doesn't guarantee it real.... Read the label!


Kathryn Schultz said...

Do you have any suggestions for low carb syrup - I buy a sugar free now that has splenda -but I'm thinking that is probably not good for you either.

Jackiemac said...

Maple syrup is high in sugar even though it's natural. We only use it mainly on Sunday to top our pancakes. I also like to take fresh/ frozen fruit and boil it down in a pan or microwave for a minute and then mash half. You get the illusion of syrup and the bonus of fiber in fresh fruit;)

I am not an advocate of ANY artificial sweeteners. I'd rather use less of the real stuff;)