Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Do I have to join the GYM? This may surprise you but NO

What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?

Do I have to join the GYM? This may be a shock coming from a trainer, but NO.

I always ask my new clients that are eager to get started~ how many days a week do you want to workout?

Typical response: 5 DAYS a week. YIKES,  I don't even workout that many days. You must take off at least ONE day. The body changes and needs rest to repair itself.

How do I set a realistic goal to prevent burning out or injury?

Ask yourself, realistically~ how many days can I commit with my schedule? Can you sustain this commitment after 6 months? If the answer is YES, than start there!

How many days should I be active? According to the new recommendations 5 or more days a week for at least 30 minutes. This goal maybe to big for you right now. I suggest setting aside at least 3 days. This is attainable and a great start especially if you're sedentary.

This time of year the gym is filled with folks and resolutions. If you really don't want to join, can't see yourself going, don't waste your money. The last thing you need is the feeling of defeat hanging over your head.

KEY: Keep your environment positive and goals attainable. Start small~ we tend to jump in fast and want unrealistic outcomes. We live in a world of quick results. The truth is, if it sounds to good to be true then run the other way. GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO WORK HARD FOR IT.

*TIP:  Find what you love. A Zumba class, Jazzercise, cycle, swimming, running group, yoga any class that keeps you moving for at least 30 minutes.

If you don't like classes or large groups that's fine. Take a walk with the kids. Hike, take a self defense class, karate class with the kids, do a fitness video (make sure your doing an appropriate beginner  program) Don't jump into an advanced video only to get winded and discouraged after 5 minutes. Remember set a realistic goal

 It's to cold out? Walk laps in the mall. Yes, folks do it all the time. Especially before the stores open up. Some malls even have groups.

Ask yourself what used to motivate me? What did I once love to do? Re- light that passion? what have I always wanted to try? Get out of your comfort zone. Staying in your comfort zone will NOT bring change. How's it working for you now?!

You have to make yourself the priority. The kids/spouse learn from watching YOU. SHOW them how to commit to a goal, train, and conquer. NOTHING feels better then completing a task you set out to do.

Sometimes we are paralyzed with fear or over-extended. Learn to say NO. You don't need to feel guilty or explain. Do what's right for YOU. You would never believe this matters but it does?

Clutter! Yes, if you have a messy room or section in the house. Get organized, clean up, throw out or donate what you don't need. Get organized. Clutter weights on you! You will feel lighter after this daunting task is complete. I PROMISE!

Cut yourself some slack and be proud of YOUR accomplishment. Only focus on the positive changes. Don't let those negative thoughts sneak in and bring you down.

*Happiness doesn't come from the number on the scale. It comes from inner peace.

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