Monday, March 25, 2013

Tackling the Cardio machines and Base Line Balance Test

Don't fear the Elliptical 

When you first use this machine it can be very difficult. 
 5 minutes can be very discouraging. 
                                                                      DON'T GIVE UP! 



1. When you first start the machine. Make sure you choose "Quick Start" this way you can keep the level at zero.

2. Look at the wheel or the legs of the machine. MAKE SURE THE WHEEL IS ROTATING CLOCK WISE. For some reason when you first get on it will tend to roll backwards. (not all but some).

What should I do If I can only do 5 minutes?

If you start out and can only last 5 minutes. Then get off and finish your cardio on a different machine such as bike or treadmill. For a minimum of 30 minutes combined.

Next visit to the gym:

Get on elliptical again. This time increase your time by and additional 2-3 minutes. This will push you out of your comfort zone. Again, get off and continue with the rest of your cardio on different machine.

Repeat each visit to the gym until you work up to 20-30 minutes on elliptical consistently. You will improve over a few weeks. I PROMISE YOU=)

 It's pretty cool to see your progress increase.

Once you have mastered the elliptical you can then challenge yourself with a pre-set program. 

NOTE: If you already use the elliptical weekly. Challenge yourself with a NEW pre set program. Don't just get on the same old machine at the same level and intensity. 
Mix it up to rev that metabolism!

After you have done the elliptical for a few weeks it's time to try a different machine. The next machine I would suggest is the Arc Trainer.
Cybex 350a Arc Trainer Image

The Arc trainer is similar to the Elliptical. One noticeable difference would be that the foot pedals are the same level. If your unsure look for the name printed on machine or ask trainer. 

The picture to the right is a Stair Climber. This is not an easy machine. 

Not to long ago after doing the treadmill/running and elliptical.  I thought I'd give this a try.

I was winded after a few minutes. I couldn't believe it!  Never mind the fact that there was an elderly man next to me making it look effortless;( I did as I stated above and increase my time.

The treadmill: if you are always doing the same speed and distance. CHANGE IT UP!!

Try running at a faster pace for 30 second intervals. Increase speed for 30sec-1 min. and then decrease for 30sec-1min...(longer if needed) This changes it up. Really blast fat and the metabolism. Or increase the ramp level. There are so many options. Google treadmill workouts

People are creatures of habit. I see the same people get on the same machine and do the same workout. Then they bitch about how they aren't seeing change. Change comes from changing your routine and machine. Remember your body adapts and you will not burn as many calories doing the same exercise like it did when you first began. Adaptation 

Here is an ex.of how I do my weekly runs-swims-bike ride-etc:

1 day I do a short run. I keep a faster pace as it's shorter.

1 day a easy (moderate effort and distance) workout.

1 day I throw in a track workout. 
Short burst of intervals
Ex. Sprint the straight ways and walk the curves.

Or on the treadmill I'll do 30sec on/30 sec off at a high speed for 20-30 minutes.

1 day I'll do a long run. Long runs are done at a SLOWER speed as the body adapts to increased distance and time.

You can use the same format on whatever cardio you choose. 

Take this balance TEST:

Balance: we don't' realize how bad our balance is until we test it.

Try this:    a. stand up lift one leg. If you can only do this for seconds you are at a high risk of falling and breaking a hip or something else.

If you can balance for more then 30 seconds THEN move to B.

b.  close your eyes. This is more challenging. You will probably begin to sway.... If this is easy you are GOOD;) Move on to C..

c.  balance on one foot with your eyes closed slowly turn your head right to left.
 *Most folks don't get past a and b.

Practice balancing daily until you build up to 45 sec to 60 seconds before moving to the next challenge (b,c). This will take weeks to improve.

*note~ you will have better balance on one foot verse the other. 

You can also walk toe to heal across the room. As though you were taking a sobriety test. If this is easy ~ walk backwards toe to heal.

You should  have a starting point before you exercise:

~ test your balance
~see how many minutes you can do cardio before you get winded.
~how many push ups you can do. (on knee's if plank is to hard)
 After a few weeks of exercise you can re take the test to see your progression.

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