Thursday, April 18, 2013

Milk Alternative

Milk Alternatives. Which one do I choose?
These are different types of milk I use.

I am not a milk drinker. I use milk on occasion when I eat cereal or make a protein shake.

I usually cook with it.

I try to alternate between them. (Which ever is on sale)

If you notice the third one over has the small symbol on the bottom left corner NON GMO. This is the symbol that will soon be on all food labels. (hopefully)
There are many folks fighting for our right to know what's in the food we are eating!(hooray for them)
To date Whole Foods is the only store requiring any food sold in their store to be labeled NON GMO (by 2014). This is a huge step and hopefully other stores will follow.
This subject is for another Blog.

Back to the milk
There are several other brands and types of milk alternatives out there. These are the ones I stick with.

You sub the exact amount in your recipe.

I think Almond milk and Soy is similar to whole milk.

You just have to be careful when you cook with them. The flavor can alter the taste of the dish (coconut/vanilla). 

Typically I buy the unsweetened original flavor. 
The vanilla or sweetened has added sugar.
The last one pictured above is Target brand soy milk.
Yes, there is controversy on Soy. I rarely use soy milk. 
When I eat anything Soy I will only buy Organic. 

You can purchase these products at any grocery or health food store.

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