Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Why I am so passionate about health, wellness and nutrition?

Why am I so passionate about preaching Health, Wellness and Nutrition?

I know first hand how a  poor diet can wreak havoc on the body. Some folks don't realize that what they eat effects their overall mood, bloat, stress level, weight, depression level, mood swings, sleep deprivation, acne,etc~it can be reduced just by changing what you eat. 

If you have always been overweight you may not know this to be true. When you start to add nutritious foods to your body your mood, sleep and energy will increase naturally. 

As a trainer I hear all sort of stories. Most stories are very similar it's just a different face sitting in the chair. 

Mainly people want to lose because they are not happy in life. They think by changing their weight happiness will follow. This is not always true. You may feel better temporarily but happiness comes from within not from the reflection in the mirror.
Figure out what's making you sad.
Change that and your weight will change without effort.

When people first start to workout their energy increases and they can't believe how great they feel.

I've had clients just increase there water intake daily and feel better. When you feel better you tend to naturally make better food choices.

I have had clients that workout and after just 2 workouts report back how energetic and better they feel. Aches and pains disappear, sex drive increases (TMI), self esteem sky rockets. 

The dress size doesn't real matter, thou a bonus. It's the awakening of the body.

Could this be a placebo effect? Maybe, maybe not either way they feel better and that's the goal!

I've always said, "the body is AMAZING and can adapt to whatever you throw at it. BUT can only be abused for so long." It will eventually start to rebel. However, genetics can either speed up or slow the process."

Over the last few weeks I've heard the same story repeated that I used to recite when I was a smoker.

As if eating healthy is a punishment and boring. It couldn't be further from the truth.

People who eat a poor diet usually eat the SAME foods day in an day out.

Those that eat well tend to have a more flavorful palate and indulge in a variety of foods.

Yes, we are all going to die of something. This is true~there is no escaping.

Yes, you can eat really well and still end up sick with disease. However, it's how well your body responds and heals itself. When I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism I've eliminated and tried everything to cure it! NOTHING works. It is what it is and I've learned to live with it.

I eat well and exercise because it gives me energy, increases self esteem, lowers/eliminates anxiety/depression. I realize this doesn't guarantee that I will live disease free but I know i'm going to live my life satisfied and happy with myself.

I used to fall off track go out to eat, make poor choices and follow it up with the motto "dig in". Wake up the next day feel bloated, angry and overall  shitty. I would again repeat this process. It would end up being a down ward spiral.  This would effect my mood, self esteem and  reflect on to my family life. Eventually, I felt the connection with poor food choices and my mood. This was a no brain er.  However, it's not easy to break a habit. You have to make a conscious decision, dig your heels in and arm yourself with a plan of success.

How  many times have you said I'll start MONDAY. Monday rolls around and you make a bad choice and continue until the following weekend only to start MONDAY again!. This pattern repeats

Learn to wake up and forgive yourself, move on and start fresh. 
TIP: this is NOT a DIET, It's a LIFESTYLE

This Sunday I made veggie egg muffins.

I prefer to eat oatmeal with fresh fruit in the AM. Eating eggs and veggies everyday is tough for me. What I did was take all the leftover potato, sweet potatoes, kale, asparagus and mushrooms. Tossed them in a pan and sauted them up. 
In a separate bowl I mixed 4 to 5 eggs and 2 cups of milk. 
Spray a muffin tin and filled each one up with my mixed veggies. 
Then pour the egg mixture to cover veggie.  
Placed cupcake tin in a 350 degree oven for approx. 30 minutes or until set. 
while cooling run knife around each muffin to loosen. 
I stored them in Tupperware. Each morning I heat one up and enjoy with my oatmeal. 
I'm getting added protein and a portion of veggies;)

Note: you could add any ingredients and smash between two pieces of 100% whole wheat toast for a complete on the run breakfast.

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