Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Over Load Of Information, Push Up's. Bonus vegetable pasta recipe.

WOW, my head has been spinning for the last few days. I am so over whelmed with information that it's mentally exhausting.

Eat this
Don't eat that
Go back to eating whole dairy
Drink Raw milk
Food Additives
Hidden MSG
Carbs, Grains, Legumes
Gluten Free
And when you think you are doing things right. Well, Think again it's probably wrong?AAAHHHHH???!!!!!

What should I do?

Relax, breath, meditate, yoga, limit your exposure to info.
Go Back to the Basics

Eat wholesome, rainbow assorted veggies
TIP: Try to eat carrot, pepper strips, celery, cherry tomato's for snack. 
Salad for lunch with variety of lettuce
Add Veggie into a tomato based pasta dish

click for recipe

Lean meat~organic if it's in your budget.
TIP:  If  your buying store brand make sure it has no added water solution. You don't want to waste $ on sodium water! click here if you missed my blog on chicken

Drink water throughout the day.
TIP: If your not a water drinker ~remember it will accelerate weight-loss by flushing toxins out of the body.

Exercise: Walk, Jog, Hike, Swim, Bike, Run, Stairs, Track, Gym, Dance~ Just move for at least 30 Minutes.

If you have been doing cardio and have hit a Plataea it's time to start weights.

I showed you in my Squat blog .

Now Lets talk about push ups

IF you can't do a push up follow picture here:

If this is still to hard you can do wall push-ups
THIS is recommended if you are pregnant

For more advanced moves you can re position your hands which will target different muscle groups.

Ideally you want to do 3 sets of 15-20. Rest for a minute of two and then repeat.

If this is to easy or you are doing 100's of push-ups it's time to challenge yourself.
Try re positioning your  hands as pictured above OR spider push up pictured below

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