Sunday, August 25, 2013

Weekly dinner idea's for the family

First, I want to say I am back to blogging about exercise and nutrition. I was off my game this summer with the kids being home and work.

I recently read an article that shocked me.

Most people eat out these days and those that do cook (90%) are preparing pre packaged frozen dinners. Very limited nutritional value and lacking what more American's need in their diet FRESH VEGETABLES.

I can't say it enough. Instead of trying a fad diet. INCREASE your daily vegetables. Your digestion will improve and your body will feel alive again. Not drained and sluggish!

Schools have eliminated Home Economics. I loved that class!

Which left me thinking. If parents aren't cooking dinner. What are we passing down to our children? Will they cook? We are setting them up for an obese/unhealthy lifestyle

Obesity for children is on the rise and causing adult diseases earlier then ever recorded. Elementary children have high cholesterol, diabetes, and high blood pressure. These diseases are preventable and are directly related to what is going in their mouth!

It all comes down to what we feed them!

I realize your saying, "Jackie, I work full time. I don't have time to cook dinner."

YES YOU DO! You're being lazy!!

You have to make the time to prep meals and cook. If not for you for your children! Stop buying into foods that are loaded with unnecessary calories, fat and sodium. Cooking meals is simple and quick. In the beginning when you're first learning it can be time consuming and frustrating. Start with simple recipes, make what you would typically but find a healthier version.

Keep it simple.  Add in spice, fresh herbs or tweak according to your families taste.


Typically families eat the same meals over and over each week.

If I'm limited on time I cook in the crock pot, prepare meals on Sunday, and use the pressure cooker.

Get the kids involved, have them chop, peel, package snacks, mix and beat with you. Get them involved. They'll love it!

Where do I get my idea's from? I subscribe to tons of health magazines, love getting cookbooks from the library. I'm always reading and learning new idea's and recipes. It's as much of a passion to me as fitness.
Diet is 80% of the battle. Working out is the icing on the cake.

People often think I have a strict diet and limit what my kids eat. That is far from the truth. Yes, I do eat very clean and well. I'm human. I still eat junk from time to time. I've learned over the years to eat well because it makes me feel energized, alert, and alive. This took me YEARS to evolve. It's a personal choice. I eat a wide variety diet.
I grew up eating ding dongs, soda and yohoo. Lived off candy bars and was a candy addict.

However, my parents still cooked a huge typical dinner.  I learned and watched my father cook dinner every night. I guess it stuck and inspired me to do the same for my family. My mother did cook. However, my father was off by 3 so he was able to prepare dinner. which included an Appetizer (fruit or veg with dip) meat, starch, vegetable, and rolls.
We sat down as a family and ate every night. I do this my children as much as possible. If I'm running out the door at least the three of them are eating together AT THE TABLE.

So people often ask me~ what do your kids eat for dinner?

Tonight they had Taco's for dinner.

I already had brown rice I made a few days ago. Reheated it
I never buy white rice! They have become accustomed to brown rice and don't' even notice.

Bought salsa (look for one's with the least ingredients)
Shredded cheddar
Dice up toppings they like: lettuce, tomato, onions, etc

I make my own taco seasoning. It's simple and they love it!

The prepackaged stuff has words I can't pronounce in the ingredients. Loaded with MSG and chemicals. I'm not really sure why since it's dried and so simple to make.

Taco seasoning
1 TBS chili powder
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
1/4 tsp dried oregano
1/2 tsp paprika
1 1/2 tsp cumin
1 tsp of sea salt and black pepper
after you brown meat and drain fat. Mix in seasoning add approx. 1/4 c of water. More if it's to dry. simmer a few minutes until it thickens.
Makes enough for 1lb of meat. Double if you have a big family;)

Make extra and store in a container so you always have it on hand.

As for the meat I usually use ground turkey. Sometimes I use the fake meat they can't tell the difference.


This is another go to easy meal on the grill they love.

I try my best to buy whole wheat buns. Not always the case sometimes it's typical hamburger buns.

I always buy regular chop meat. 80%~ Any higher and the burgers are dry. Sometimes, I add oatmeal, chopped spinach, egg just to beef up the burger and get some fiber in them...shhhh

They eat baked french fries and some type of vegetable. Sometimes, I make homemade baked beans but they take forever.


There not keen on grilled chicken so I typically bread it. Dip in eggs and breadcrumbs. I cook in the pan using safflower or coconut oil. I use just enough oil to coat the pan. They have a higher burning point and brown the chicken nicely.

They will eat a grilled chicken BBQ sandwich.

Again, quick simple BBQ recipe that will last in the fridge for weeks. If you purchase store brand they typically have high fructose corn syrup, and other added unpronounceable ingredients.

BBQ sauce:

1tsp oil
1/2 sweet onion
2 cloves of garlic
1 cup of tomato sauce
1 chopped pepper
1 TBSP deli mustard or dijon
1 TBSP cider vinegar
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
2 TBSP blackstrap molasses
1TBSP honey
1 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp smoked or sweet paprika

Sautee onions approx. 5 min, add garlic. Add rest of ingredients to sauce pan. simmer 15 minutes until thickened. Pour into food processor to smooth out or use an immersion blender.

Spaghetti or Ziti is another big hit here.

I always buy whole wheat pasta and typically buy tomato sauce.

If I have time I will pre make turkey meatballs and toss them in. Other wise I saute up vegetables.

TIP: If your torn between two tomato sauce brands remember the shorter the ingredient list the healthier the product is!

If I'm making baked ziti. I cook the ziti according to package.  In a separate bowl I mix ricotta cheese (sometimes I use 1/2 cottage cheese and 1/2 ricotta), egg, dried parsley, parm cheese. Add shredded mozzarella cheese and tomato sauce. Mix to combine. Pour into a 13x9 glass baking dish. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.

You can pre make this meal days in advance. Leave in the fridge. When your ready bake in over and wah~la dinner;)

Serve with a toss salad. CLEAR dressing. Typically I use a balsamic vinaigrette made at home NOT store bought. Again, just Google a recipe there are tons and it's simple to whip up in seconds.

Of course garlic bread. NEVER buy the pre made garlic bread. Buy a fresh loaf of Italian bread. Butter it when we get home and sprinkle on garlic powder or you can use fresh minced garlic.
Typically I put on cookie sheet and broil until brown.

Italian bread made fresh in the store has very few ingredients and limited added ingredients (if any).


I don't have much luck making homemade pizza. I buy pizza from the pizzeria.  This is my night to relax and not cook. You could always make mini english muffin pizza and let them add there own toppings.

You can always make breakfast for dinner. Kids always love that idea!

Always purchase raw vegetables and cook, saute, bake or grill yourself! EVERY dinner should contain a vegetable. Even if they don't' eat it always have it available. ONE day they will try it. I know your frustration on this. MY daughter is the worst! Try a new vegetable each week as a family. Show them your willing to try something new and they will follow.

I could go on and on with recipes we eat. I switch up our meals each week. I have time to bake and prepare. If you have time~ you have no excuse! I love to try new recipes each week. keeps it interesting. However,I  always have our typical go to meals.

Here are a few helpful sites to search recipes.

Limit sweets  to 1 or 2 times a week. Offer fresh fruit as an alternative.

Don't buy the pre packaged cookie dough. It's crap. Make the cookies from scratch. You'll end up with dozens and it will be cheaper. The kids will love to make these.

I'm guilty of buying the boxed stuff. I've yet to find a recipe that will taste similar. Just limit how often you bake them.
I have made the blackbean brownies that Jordanne will eat. Recipe is on pintrest. You can't tell they have beans in them.
Also, I've made brownies made with beets. I can taste the beets. Rich and the boys will eat them. I'm not 100% sold on them. Which is weird since I eat beets

Ice cream:
Skip the slow churn or low fat options. The ingredient list is long. They have to add more chemical ingredients in order to thin it out.


Banana boat: Kids love to take a banana~ split down the center, top with vanilla yogurt and granola or cereal.

Banana roll up: take a tortilla wrap. spread with peanut butter (natural) place chopped banana in wrap and top with honey. roll up and enjoy

I purchase Smuckers Natural for them. I dump oil and PB in the kitchen Aid. Combine then pour back in jar. You only have to mix it once. I made fresh home made strawberry jelly this summer. We are down to the last jar. HURRY up strawberry season;)

Trail mix:  you can purchase these but it's pretty pricey. I typically purchase RAW nuts, and toss in chocolate chips, cereal, raisins, etc.

You can refer back to my protein bar in an earlier post. They love those and they go fast!

1 comment:

Aunt Rhona said...

After you become my groomer, can you become my chef? Great info.