Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Refuel after a workout. Protein Powder. Why am I gaining when I do cardio weekly?

Woman start to lose muscle mass starting at the age of 30 and bone density after the age of 40.

Why is this important?
When you lose muscle mass your metabolism slows down, hence, weight gain. When we lose muscle we are at a higher risk for injury.  You want to be able to keep up with your children and grandchildren!

Eating after a workout?
When you workout, run, zumba, cardio, dance, etc you are burning/depleting your glycogen storage. Glycogen is stored in the muscle, and it gives you the energy to workout/cardio . You must re fuel after a workout within 30 minutes to 1 hour.

How does the body make Glycogen? 
Carbohydrates are stored as glycogen in the muscle and liver. This is why you don't want to restrict your carb's. Your body needs carb's for fuel.  PROTEIN is used primarily as building material.

Why do I have to Re fuel?
Refueling after a workout will force the body to begin repairing and building muscle.
Did you ever workout and feel like crap? You just can't lift that day or don't' have the energy to get through the class? That's because you didn't refuel properly the days before.  If you want to feel energized and ready for your workouts you must re fuel!

What happens if I don't re fuel?
Our bodies are amazing machines. If you don't fuel it properly it will steal from another source. YOU DON"T WANT  THIS TO HAPPEN. If you don't refuel properly your body has no other choice but to steal from your muscles!! yikes
TIP:  Remember what I just said about losing muscle. If your body starts fueling off your muscle you will end up gaining weight! 


Why is adding muscle key?
For every pound of muscle you gain your body will burn approximately 50 additional calories at REST! 
It takes energy to keep muscle alive. It takes no energy to store fat on the body, fat will not leave! You have to burn it off through exercise or reducing calorie intake. 

Gaining muscle is not as easy as gaining or losing weight. Often when people first start working out I hear them say, "oh, I gained weight. It must be because I gained muscle" WRONG. If you are gaining muscle you should be shedding weight. You are consuming extra calories which caused weight gain

Your wondering what to eat?
The fastest way to get fuel to the body is drinking a Protein shake within 30 minutes after a workout.
You want to eat a balanced meals within 2 hours of your shake

How to pick a protein powder?
There are so many brands and types of Protein powder on the market. Which one do I pick?
Here are a few tips you want to look for when deciding on your purchase.
Ideally, you want to pick a WHEY protein. If you don't want animal protein there are alternatives. Sun warrior and Vega are vegan protein options.
Again, we've talked about this time and time again. The shorter the ingredient list the healthier it is.

TIP: The first ingredient should be WHEY PROTEIN ISOLATE not Concentrate.
Whey protein Concentrate is more of a filler. Leaving you heavy and bloated for hours.

As a woman I typically use 10oz. of water and 1/2 of the large scoop. It's very hot here in FL so I can't keep coconut/almond milk in my car to mix. I typically eat a small banana with my shake. 

If I am home sometimes I will mix 1/2 protein scoop with peanut butter, milk of choice, banana or frozen blue berries/strawberries, etc. in the blender. This is more of a meal and will hold you over longer. 

Below is the best, cleanest protein I can find on the market. It's pricey but it should last a few weeks, you only need 1/2 scoop.  You can find it at a Vitamin Shoppe or health food store. 
It mixes very smoothly in a shaker. Other proteins are clumpy and don't mix well.

Jay Robb Whey Protein 

You can't out exercise a bad diet! You are not entitled to a heavy, fatty meal after a tough workout. You might as well just stayed home!

During your workout lasting under 1 hour. You need nothing more then WATER. Anything more then that and you want to replenish the body with a clean sports drink. Try to stay away from Gatorade it is loaded with sugar and high fructose corn syrup.

Your workouts shouldn't last more then hour and half tops! If your training for an event that's different. If your just at the gym for hours on end. You are wasting your time and not working out correctly if you can last that long.

Cardio Junkies

You know who you are. You go to the gym or your class. You have that special spot/cardio machine. You get on it everyday doing the same workout. Your body needs a challenge. Every 4-6 weeks you should be switching up your routine. IF you are NOT you are not burning calories like you did when you first started. The body will adapt to exercise.

When people start to run, train for an endurance event, or take nothing but cardio classes they end up gaining weight/flabby rather then leaning out.

Why does this happen?

Remember~The body will steal from your muscles if your not fueling correctly or doing to much cardio. If you do nothing but cardio classes multiple times a week you are burning muscle.To balance it out you must incorporate resistance/weight training to get maximum results.

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