Sunday, May 5, 2013

Positive Thinking~ Retrain Your Brain

Woman need to believe in themselve and love your unique self. 

I hear woman to often put negative labels on themselves. 


You need to re train your brain. Practice looking for your positive aspects instead of focusing on the bad. 

Stop dissecting yourself in the mirror. Stop focusing on weight, blemishes, zits, freckles, crows feet,body parts that are headed south and all your so called faults.

Ever notice no one see's your faults until you so graciously point them out. They always follow up with "What?, Where?" We see it because we focus on it. Everyone has a body part they dislike. Focus on the positive changes~ not what's left.

Look at how far you've come. NOT how far you have to go. Celebrate the small goals. Each small goal adds up and gets you closer to your dream.

Have someone take a photo of you. Sometimes I feel like crap. After I look at the picture I think: OK, not as bad as I thought.

Inspire to be a better you. There are to many people I meet going thru life like a robot, miserable, and surviving. LIVE and LOVE

Find your passion, educate yourself on a topic, learn/grow spiritually, take a class, cooking, painting,knitting whatever your interest may be. Learn something new. 

Empower yourself and you will become unstoppable. Don't let someone crush your dreams. 

If you have negative people in your life it's time to re asses and surround yourself with like minded, strong, loving, supportive people.

Every time I'm having a bad day and everything seems to be going wrong. I stop and look at what is going right. Your day and outlook will change. Appreciate your health, family, and be thankful for what you have. This simple shift of thinking can change your outlook on life. 

Let go of anger and resentment it is only hurting YOU.

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