Sunday, December 29, 2013

New Years Resolutions: Never DIET Again~ Opt for a lifestyle change and forever be changed

The New year is upon us. 2013 is ending and 2014 is rolling in. With that, many of you will promise to lose weight, start and stick to a new diet, promise to join the gym and/or actually go. You have done this year after year. Some have been successful for a short time and some dropped off immediately.

Here is your new resolution. VOW to NEVER DIET again! That's right! Make a lifestyle change or forever remain the same. (if not larger)

This is a typical American Diet is known as S.A.D (standard American Diet) What is it lacking????? There's NO VEGGIES. This is what we are lacking my friends. Please don't tell me you don't like vegetables. There are more vegetables on the market then you can probably name. Find a few you like and EAT THEM DAILY.

Saute them in your omelet, add them to a smoothie, eat veggies before your entree they will fill you up. They are packed full of disease fighting phytonutrients,and energy.
click link  below for ideas, tips

Here's another link to why you probably hate veggies and how to get them in your daily meals.
Typically, it's linked back to childhood. However, get over it! Experiment, cook different dishes different ways.

Why is weightloss so hard:
You are chasing around different diets that aren't realistic or reasonable to sustain for a lifetime. You may lose weight to only go back and eat the same foods prior to dieting. You may say, "Jackie, I lost weight on this diet." YES, but for how long? and how much did you eventually gain back? at what cost? and what did you give up?

People over the years have started to eat food for comfort, social reason and stopped eating for survival. Yes, we all enjoy and need food to survive. However, your choices either speed up disease or you can prolong them and possibly diminish them from ever surfacing. Does a health lifestyle guarantee a long disease free life? NO, but you may get lucky. However, you will live a vibrant, healthy, energetic lifestyle while you can. That I can promise you.

Diets are unrealistic and are very confusing. Eat this, but not that. Wouldn't it be nice to eat what you want and still lose weight? It's possible, as long as you eat in  moderation and increase your vegetable intake.

Nothing in excess is healthy! However, ask yourself how many colors of the rainbow do you get in your diet daily? Fresh or frozen, not canned junk sitting in a chemical bath, syrup and HFCS,
or pre-bagged salad. Buy a head of lettuce better yet romaine,wash and chop it yourself. The pre-chopped bag is filled with gasses/chemicals to preserve it. Ever notice the odor when you cut the bag open.  NO THANKS!

I promise you if you add fresh veggies and fruit to your daily meals and cut out what you already know is sabotaging you~ 
YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT AND FEEL AMAZING. At this point in your life I think you should have a good grasp on WHAT you are doing wrong. Now, focus on how to change it! Go back to the basics. 

Save your money from the diet plans, special foods, etc and cook at home, prepare snacks and meals from fresh ingredients. It's quick easy and faster then heating up a frozen entree in the oven.

There is an argument for every diet~ why it works or doesn't work. You can keep searching for the answer (via internet, biased/false books on the market) 

I would much rather eat healthy, not count my calories, and live life happy. I have no restrictions on what I eat. When you eat better, you feel better and you keep making better choices. It's that easy! Just keep at it and don't give up. A slip up here and there in NOT going to make you heavy again. It's repeating the same mistake over and over again that'll get you there!

A few things you should give up or have occasionally: extra large carbonated drinks, Large Juice, specialty coffee grande drinks. The amount of sugar is insane in some of those drinks. Opt for a small. Learn to compromise so you don't have to deprive yourself.
When I see a woman with excessive cellulite on her back side skinny or heavy I can bet my life that she eats a high sugar, processed diet.

People constantly say to me, "but I don't eat sugar?!" it's hidden in everything!! Because you don't actually eat it off a spoon doesn't mean it's not in your food. It's in every juice, dressings,ketchup,canned food item, even in tomato sauce. If you eat out forget it, it's lathered on your food and melts so you don't taste it.

I worked a catering event. I watched the guy sprinkle sugar on the corn on the cobs. I said, "hey, what are you doing?" he said,"it makes it sweeter." I NEVER knew people did that. That's why it's so tasty but not good for our waist line. 

Sugar is evil. It spikes your insulin levels, whacks out the body, sending mixed signals, puts you on an emotional roller coaster and keeps you wanting more. The food companies know exactly what they are doing. In order to beat them at there own game and get healthy you need to educate yourself and learn to read labels. Of course you can't rid your life of sugar but I bet your eating way more then you ever imagined in one day.

TIP: Read labels. 4g of sugar = 1 Tsp Ex: (random #s) soda bottle says 64g sugar per 12oz. If it's a 24oz drink. You would double the 64x2(2 serving)128g of sugar/4. There are a whopping 32 tsp of sugar in that one drink!! You wouldn't eat 32 tsp on sugar why drink it?!

You want the fountain of youth, clearer skin, sleep better at night, less cellulite, stop eating pre boxed, pre packaged, junk. Eat closer to the earth, shop the outer isles of the supermarket and unless in a pinch try to make it yourself!

Yes, we are all human and we will eat this stuff occasionally but studies show most families eat from a freezer or box ever single day! Or driving to the drive thru window.

PLAN, PLAN, PREPARE, COOK, and Pre pack food to be successful! Other wise PLAN TO FAIL.

It's not that hard but it is a learning experience and process.

YOU HAVE TO DECIDED THAT YOUR WORTH IT! Figure out what works for you. what works for me, won't work for you. You decided your in-charge of you!

Ask yourself  WHY do you want to lose weight????  Really, think about this if you can't answer this question you will continue to yo yo up and down. Unfortunately, with each successful weight loss there is a re-gain PLUS.

I am baffled when I ask people during training if they are truly happy. The response is "NO." wow, really?! When was the last time you were happy? And oddly enough they will name an event, weight or time. You see happiness is not measured by how much you weigh, how much your paycheck is. True happiness is from within. No material object can replace it. Find inner peace and happiness then watch the weight diminish. It's within, no one else can do it for you ;)

****When there in no enemy within,the enemies outside cannot hurt you. African proverb

Weight-loss is not just about becoming a certain size. It's about getting life, becoming empowered, always striving to be better, and learning. I'm not saying you have to be perfect in everything but you have to find balance. Stop thinking life is so hard, blaming others, you aren't enough, stop the negative chatter in your mind and focus on what you can do in life and start doing it! Find a passion something that fulfills and challenges you.