Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Finding Motivation and Inspiration Boards

How do  you stay motivated?

We all have skeletons and demon we battle, good and bad days. We all have daily struggles. We all have challenges in our life that are beyond our control. What you can control is how you deal with them.

My father always told me: there will always be someone worse off than you. Ever notice when you talk to someone who is ill, near death, missing limbs or has faced a traumatic event they always seem to have an inspiring story and a  positive outlook on life.
My father and his friend are battling for their lives in illness as we speak. I never hear him speak about wanting to die or give up. I'm not sure I could be that strong but we don't know how strong we are until strong is the only option.

I try to find the good and lesson in everything and everybody I encounter. This took years of re- training my brain. I used to be so negative, that I thought it was a jinx to have a good thought. You have to change your out look on life. Be forgiving of yourself and others. If you always look for the worst in a situation you will be forever miserable.

First you need to take ownership of your life and stop blaming others!
When a negative thought enters your mind think of three positive reasons that out-weigh the negative.
When looking in the mirror instead of focusing on your trouble spots FOCUS on WHAT YOU LOVE ABOUT YOURSELF.

If you hold onto Grudges/Resentment/Anger you are only poisoning yourself!

Why is this important?

If you don't make peace and love yourself you will continue to sabotage yourself knowingly or not.

I'm not saying everyday is going to be amazing but the good should definitely out weigh the bad. If it's the other way around you need to re train your thoughts and outlook on life or be forever stuck.

Setting Goals:

Staying on track can be very difficult. I find it best to have goals~ big or small. I like to sign up for local races to keep myself motivated.
*A half marathon/marathon training plan is typically 16 weeks. If you don't run figure out what you love and set a goal.
*Maybe knitting is your thing. Commit to have gifts completed by the holiday season or donate to a local hospital/nursing home.
*Wedding coming up

Figure out what motives you and set the goal. Circle it on the calendar. MAKE A PLAN OF ACTION!!
Tell your friends and family so they can hold you accountable.

Make a vision board. I like to cut things out of magazines that inspire me and motivate me. Whatever you want and envision cut and paste it on a piece of paper. Post it on the fridge where you can see it everyday!

TIP:  Pinterest is nice but not realistic.We pin all day long. After a few days you forget what you've pinned. If you find something inspiring print off pinterest and glue on your board;)

Maybe you have a goal of a new car, fridge, flooring, etc find a picture of what you want and dream about.
 I like to keep my board realistic and inspiring but do what you want with yours. It's YOUR dream and goal


Staying on track has gotten easier for me over the years. The reason I preach about healthy eating and fitness is because I know first hand how great and energized I feel when I eat and fuel my body with nutritious foods.

I often see posts about not being able to sleep, depressed, stressed, sick, is directly related to how well you fuel your body!

I can't remember the last time I was sick..(knock on wood) I relate that to how well I take care of my health. Is that a guarantee that I will never get sick. Hell NO...but I want to be in tip top shape for as long as I am blessed to be on this earth;)

Clean up your diet and I promise you, you will feel energized, happier, healthier, lighter, sleep better, less aches and pains, reduced medication,increase sex drive, less stress, etc...

I was sick and miserable for years. When  I ate better, I felt better! Increase your fresh fruit and fresh vegetable intake! It's easy to stay on track now. When I veer off I am quickly reminded how awful I feel and I don't want to live like that. Aim for 80% healthy clean eating.
**Remember this is not a diet. It's a lifestyle change! Go at your own pace and don't give up. You will get there, I promise. Be patient and Believe!

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