Monday, January 13, 2014

Do you know your Resting Heart Rate? Target Heart Rate Zone? Why you should care

How to find your resting heart rate?

Take your resting heart rate (RHR) in the morning when you first wake up. For three consecutive mornings to get an accurate reading.
You can do this anytime but morning is best. Don't test after you had a stimulant, coffee, etc.

First, make sure you have access to a clock with a seconds hand. 

When you first wake up. Lay there a few minutes and relax. Take your first two fingers, pointer and middle finger, press them on your neck as pictured below.  NOTE: never use your thumb.You should feel your pulse. If not your in trouble. only kidding ;) feel around and apply a bit of pressure. You can count the beats over the course of a minute or you can simply count for 10 seconds. If you count for 10 seconds just multiply the number by 6 to figure out beats per minute.
Count your pulse: _____ beats in 10 seconds x 6 = _____ beats/minute

You can also take a radial pulse which is on the wrist. This is harder to find if you aren't familiar on the location. 

This number is important and can tell you many things:
-Ideally you want your RHR to be anywhere from 60-80. The lower your heart rate the less stress on your heart and the more conditioned you are. 
-A high heart rate (HR) can be a sign your body is in distress. 
-If you typically take your heart rate and it's around 60 and suddenly at 80 it could mean you are getting sick and your body is fighting off infection.
-A high HR is not good. The more conditioned and physically fit you become the lower your RHR will be. 
-Typically, runners have a lower RHR.
*****If you are on medication such as a beta blocker your HR may be low. This does make exercising a bit more challenging. As you try to get into your target heart rate zone the medication will constantly be fighting to bring the body back to "normal" making weight loss a challenge. NOT impossible but this method will not work for you. You will use a different method called rate of perceived exertion (RPE). see below

Now that you know your RHR you can find your Target Heart Rate (THR) for exercise.

What does that mean? 
When you workout you want to be in your target heart rate zone.
You want to exercise between 50-70%  also known as "Fat Burning Zone"
If you workout constantly at 80+ % you risk injury and will burn out and end up quitting.
If you aren't working hard enough your basically wasting your time at the gym.

You want to stay in your THR zone so that you can last (build stamina) and burn calories efficiently.

What is my Maximum Target Heart Rate Zone?
Another simple equation. You take 220 - your age= your maximum heart rate. Ideally, you don't want to workout at this number. However, it's a generic way to figure out your zone. You can spend a bunch of money to do a more accurate test but save your money.
Here is an example:
50-year-old person, the estimated maximum age-related heart rate would be calculated as 
220 - 50 years = 170 beats per minute (bpm) This is your MAXIMUM target heart rate. The 50% and 70% levels would be:
  • 50% level: 170 x 0.50 = 85 bpm, and
  • 70% level: 170 x 0.70 = 119 bpm
You want to keep your heart rate between these two numbers.

If you go above your zone it's no big deal. However, you want to use these numbers as guidelines.

Another easy way to tell if you are in your cardio zone is the "Talk Test"
If you can carry on a conversation with ease and no shortness of breath. You aren't working-out hard enough. Up the speed or incline. Re evaluate after 3 minutes.
IF you can barely talk and are gasping for air you need to slow down. You are working way above your zone and will tire out quickly.
You want to be able to talk but need a breath approximately every 3 words. 

How do you incorporate this at the gym or outside running:

You can invest in a Heart rate monitor. It's a strap that goes around your chest under your shirt and comes with a watch. You plug in your age and it will do the calculations for you. It will beep at each zone based on your heart rate.

All cardio equipment at the gym has a built in heart rate monitor on the handles of each machine. It looks like a silver plate. you firmly hold the handles and after a few seconds the machine will tell you your heart rate. All the machines are not accurate. It depends on maintenance of machine.
If you have a Polar heart rate monitor. Most treadmills will sink with your heart rate monitor automatically.

It's best to use the talk test. If you have no one to talk to sing a song loud or softly to yourself ;)

If you are on a Beta Blocker you can use the talk test or RPE scale. It's a scale of 1-10. 1 being no effort and 10 being all out effort. Work around 6-7


Many times we get discouraged when we workout if our body is not changing. Be patient. Things are changing. You body is working hard to adjust to your new demands.

After a few weeks of exercise you can re evaluate your resting heart rate. It should be lower. Which is a great sign, your building endurance and your heart is getting stronger.

Now, you may of heard of OVER training. If you feel irritated and grumpy you may be over exercising. If you resting heart rate is higher then your original HR every morning. This is another sign of over exertion and you need to take a day off.

You never want to workout 7 days a week. You must take 1-3 days off a week. Depending on goal. Our body repairs and changes at REST. If it is constantly stressed it can not change.

I've seen it time and again. Someone will workout for weeks at a time. Then take a week off for vacation with no exercise come back and say, "huh, I actually lost!? yes, you let your body rest and repair itself.


When you finish exercising you want your heart rate to return back to normal within 1-3 minutes.
check your pulse for 10 seconds multiply by 6 after you finish exercising. Repeat this in 2 minutes. Your number should be dropping closer to your resting heart rate. Repeat in another 2 minutes. You should be cooling down and returning to baseline.
IF after 7+ minutes your heart rate is still  high it's a sign that you are out of shape. The more physically fit you become the faster your heart rate will drop and return to normal.
This will not change over one night but weeks/months/years of consistent exercise.

I wrote a FB message last week:
When I first started exercising years ago. I would run on the treadmill at what I thought was fast back then. I was afraid to let go. I always had one hand on the rail. It took me ONE year to finally let go.
After I was done running my face was CHERRY red for at least an hour! I was pushing my body to hard and was not conditioned.
I don't recommend pushing yourself as it leads to burnout and injury.
Don't give up, keep at it and don't get discouraged.

Remember to always bring WATER to the gym.

Follow me on Facebook Jackie's Fitness Tips

Sunday, December 29, 2013

New Years Resolutions: Never DIET Again~ Opt for a lifestyle change and forever be changed

The New year is upon us. 2013 is ending and 2014 is rolling in. With that, many of you will promise to lose weight, start and stick to a new diet, promise to join the gym and/or actually go. You have done this year after year. Some have been successful for a short time and some dropped off immediately.

Here is your new resolution. VOW to NEVER DIET again! That's right! Make a lifestyle change or forever remain the same. (if not larger)

This is a typical American Diet is known as S.A.D (standard American Diet) What is it lacking????? There's NO VEGGIES. This is what we are lacking my friends. Please don't tell me you don't like vegetables. There are more vegetables on the market then you can probably name. Find a few you like and EAT THEM DAILY.

Saute them in your omelet, add them to a smoothie, eat veggies before your entree they will fill you up. They are packed full of disease fighting phytonutrients,and energy.
click link  below for ideas, tips

Here's another link to why you probably hate veggies and how to get them in your daily meals.
Typically, it's linked back to childhood. However, get over it! Experiment, cook different dishes different ways.

Why is weightloss so hard:
You are chasing around different diets that aren't realistic or reasonable to sustain for a lifetime. You may lose weight to only go back and eat the same foods prior to dieting. You may say, "Jackie, I lost weight on this diet." YES, but for how long? and how much did you eventually gain back? at what cost? and what did you give up?

People over the years have started to eat food for comfort, social reason and stopped eating for survival. Yes, we all enjoy and need food to survive. However, your choices either speed up disease or you can prolong them and possibly diminish them from ever surfacing. Does a health lifestyle guarantee a long disease free life? NO, but you may get lucky. However, you will live a vibrant, healthy, energetic lifestyle while you can. That I can promise you.

Diets are unrealistic and are very confusing. Eat this, but not that. Wouldn't it be nice to eat what you want and still lose weight? It's possible, as long as you eat in  moderation and increase your vegetable intake.

Nothing in excess is healthy! However, ask yourself how many colors of the rainbow do you get in your diet daily? Fresh or frozen, not canned junk sitting in a chemical bath, syrup and HFCS,
or pre-bagged salad. Buy a head of lettuce better yet romaine,wash and chop it yourself. The pre-chopped bag is filled with gasses/chemicals to preserve it. Ever notice the odor when you cut the bag open.  NO THANKS!

I promise you if you add fresh veggies and fruit to your daily meals and cut out what you already know is sabotaging you~ 
YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT AND FEEL AMAZING. At this point in your life I think you should have a good grasp on WHAT you are doing wrong. Now, focus on how to change it! Go back to the basics. 

Save your money from the diet plans, special foods, etc and cook at home, prepare snacks and meals from fresh ingredients. It's quick easy and faster then heating up a frozen entree in the oven.

There is an argument for every diet~ why it works or doesn't work. You can keep searching for the answer (via internet, biased/false books on the market) 

I would much rather eat healthy, not count my calories, and live life happy. I have no restrictions on what I eat. When you eat better, you feel better and you keep making better choices. It's that easy! Just keep at it and don't give up. A slip up here and there in NOT going to make you heavy again. It's repeating the same mistake over and over again that'll get you there!

A few things you should give up or have occasionally: extra large carbonated drinks, Large Juice, specialty coffee grande drinks. The amount of sugar is insane in some of those drinks. Opt for a small. Learn to compromise so you don't have to deprive yourself.
When I see a woman with excessive cellulite on her back side skinny or heavy I can bet my life that she eats a high sugar, processed diet.

People constantly say to me, "but I don't eat sugar?!" it's hidden in everything!! Because you don't actually eat it off a spoon doesn't mean it's not in your food. It's in every juice, dressings,ketchup,canned food item, even in tomato sauce. If you eat out forget it, it's lathered on your food and melts so you don't taste it.

I worked a catering event. I watched the guy sprinkle sugar on the corn on the cobs. I said, "hey, what are you doing?" he said,"it makes it sweeter." I NEVER knew people did that. That's why it's so tasty but not good for our waist line. 

Sugar is evil. It spikes your insulin levels, whacks out the body, sending mixed signals, puts you on an emotional roller coaster and keeps you wanting more. The food companies know exactly what they are doing. In order to beat them at there own game and get healthy you need to educate yourself and learn to read labels. Of course you can't rid your life of sugar but I bet your eating way more then you ever imagined in one day.

TIP: Read labels. 4g of sugar = 1 Tsp Ex: (random #s) soda bottle says 64g sugar per 12oz. If it's a 24oz drink. You would double the 64x2(2 serving)128g of sugar/4. There are a whopping 32 tsp of sugar in that one drink!! You wouldn't eat 32 tsp on sugar why drink it?!

You want the fountain of youth, clearer skin, sleep better at night, less cellulite, stop eating pre boxed, pre packaged, junk. Eat closer to the earth, shop the outer isles of the supermarket and unless in a pinch try to make it yourself!

Yes, we are all human and we will eat this stuff occasionally but studies show most families eat from a freezer or box ever single day! Or driving to the drive thru window.

PLAN, PLAN, PREPARE, COOK, and Pre pack food to be successful! Other wise PLAN TO FAIL.

It's not that hard but it is a learning experience and process.

YOU HAVE TO DECIDED THAT YOUR WORTH IT! Figure out what works for you. what works for me, won't work for you. You decided your in-charge of you!

Ask yourself  WHY do you want to lose weight????  Really, think about this if you can't answer this question you will continue to yo yo up and down. Unfortunately, with each successful weight loss there is a re-gain PLUS.

I am baffled when I ask people during training if they are truly happy. The response is "NO." wow, really?! When was the last time you were happy? And oddly enough they will name an event, weight or time. You see happiness is not measured by how much you weigh, how much your paycheck is. True happiness is from within. No material object can replace it. Find inner peace and happiness then watch the weight diminish. It's within, no one else can do it for you ;)

****When there in no enemy within,the enemies outside cannot hurt you. African proverb

Weight-loss is not just about becoming a certain size. It's about getting life, becoming empowered, always striving to be better, and learning. I'm not saying you have to be perfect in everything but you have to find balance. Stop thinking life is so hard, blaming others, you aren't enough, stop the negative chatter in your mind and focus on what you can do in life and start doing it! Find a passion something that fulfills and challenges you.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Finding Motivation and Inspiration Boards

How do  you stay motivated?

We all have skeletons and demon we battle, good and bad days. We all have daily struggles. We all have challenges in our life that are beyond our control. What you can control is how you deal with them.

My father always told me: there will always be someone worse off than you. Ever notice when you talk to someone who is ill, near death, missing limbs or has faced a traumatic event they always seem to have an inspiring story and a  positive outlook on life.
My father and his friend are battling for their lives in illness as we speak. I never hear him speak about wanting to die or give up. I'm not sure I could be that strong but we don't know how strong we are until strong is the only option.

I try to find the good and lesson in everything and everybody I encounter. This took years of re- training my brain. I used to be so negative, that I thought it was a jinx to have a good thought. You have to change your out look on life. Be forgiving of yourself and others. If you always look for the worst in a situation you will be forever miserable.

First you need to take ownership of your life and stop blaming others!
When a negative thought enters your mind think of three positive reasons that out-weigh the negative.
When looking in the mirror instead of focusing on your trouble spots FOCUS on WHAT YOU LOVE ABOUT YOURSELF.

If you hold onto Grudges/Resentment/Anger you are only poisoning yourself!

Why is this important?

If you don't make peace and love yourself you will continue to sabotage yourself knowingly or not.

I'm not saying everyday is going to be amazing but the good should definitely out weigh the bad. If it's the other way around you need to re train your thoughts and outlook on life or be forever stuck.

Setting Goals:

Staying on track can be very difficult. I find it best to have goals~ big or small. I like to sign up for local races to keep myself motivated.
*A half marathon/marathon training plan is typically 16 weeks. If you don't run figure out what you love and set a goal.
*Maybe knitting is your thing. Commit to have gifts completed by the holiday season or donate to a local hospital/nursing home.
*Wedding coming up

Figure out what motives you and set the goal. Circle it on the calendar. MAKE A PLAN OF ACTION!!
Tell your friends and family so they can hold you accountable.

Make a vision board. I like to cut things out of magazines that inspire me and motivate me. Whatever you want and envision cut and paste it on a piece of paper. Post it on the fridge where you can see it everyday!

TIP:  Pinterest is nice but not realistic.We pin all day long. After a few days you forget what you've pinned. If you find something inspiring print off pinterest and glue on your board;)

Maybe you have a goal of a new car, fridge, flooring, etc find a picture of what you want and dream about.
 I like to keep my board realistic and inspiring but do what you want with yours. It's YOUR dream and goal


Staying on track has gotten easier for me over the years. The reason I preach about healthy eating and fitness is because I know first hand how great and energized I feel when I eat and fuel my body with nutritious foods.

I often see posts about not being able to sleep, depressed, stressed, sick, is directly related to how well you fuel your body!

I can't remember the last time I was sick..(knock on wood) I relate that to how well I take care of my health. Is that a guarantee that I will never get sick. Hell NO...but I want to be in tip top shape for as long as I am blessed to be on this earth;)

Clean up your diet and I promise you, you will feel energized, happier, healthier, lighter, sleep better, less aches and pains, reduced medication,increase sex drive, less stress, etc...

I was sick and miserable for years. When  I ate better, I felt better! Increase your fresh fruit and fresh vegetable intake! It's easy to stay on track now. When I veer off I am quickly reminded how awful I feel and I don't want to live like that. Aim for 80% healthy clean eating.
**Remember this is not a diet. It's a lifestyle change! Go at your own pace and don't give up. You will get there, I promise. Be patient and Believe!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Tips and Tricks When Eating Out

Most of us are very confused and frustrated on nutrition and figuring out what to eat. This is understandable because of large portions and marketing.

Whenever I'm in a health food store, salad bar line  or sandwich shop I'm amazed at how people always manage to find the worst/unhealthy option in the store/restaurant. Just because you are eating in a "health food" environment doesn't mean everything there is healthy! Remember they are out to make money and profit.

You can eat what you want within reason. You just have to learn to balance and compromise.
You should never feel hungry. That means you did not eat enough. However, the body can't decipher between hunger and thirst. Always first try to drink a full cup of water when you feel hungry.

If you can't live without cheese/sauce/spread on your sandwich/food then don't deprive yourself.
Instead reduce the amount.
* Instead of putting spread on both sides of your sandwich~ opt for one side.
*Instead of getting four pieces of cheese ask for 2.
*Always, ask for dressing on the side so you can control the amount used.
*Don't stuff yourself -eat until your full.
*Look at food as fuel for the body instead of using it for comfort.
*Order grill instead of fried
*Opt for lean meat: anything ending in "loin" is lean ex. sirloin/pork loin 6oz
*Order steamed/dry instead of drowned in butter
*Eat 5-6 small meals a day
*Clear dressing vs white
*Marinara instead of butter/Alfredo sauce
*instead of eating both buns on your enormous sandwich at the restaurant omit half the bread.
*if there is something you can't live without then eat it. Look at the label and eat a PORTION.This will satisfy you and can save 100's of unwanted excess calories.
*instead of grande or a small

It is normal to feel hungry ever few hours. This means your metabolism is working and on track. If you are full and not hungry for hours you probably made a poor food choice.

Entitled: In this fast paced, stressful world we live in we feel we are "entitled" to a treat. Change your mind frame and stop thinking like this. You are entitled to a healthy lifestyle of vibrance and energy. You did not earn that doughnut, ice cream sundae, pizza pie, chips, etc. If  occasionally  you want it then fine. Just don't eat it daily.

Habit: we all have bad habits we think we cant' live without. Substitute a new food or exercise for the poor daily food choice. This will take time and commitment but once you break the habit it becomes easier.

Is it bad to splurge once in a while? ABSOLUTELY NOT. HOWEVER, we all have a meal/snack/drink that we over indulge in daily/weekly and it is sabotaging our diet.

TIP: I urge you to goggle your favorite restaurant/coffee shop. whatever your evil and look up the nutritional value. YOU WILL BE SHOCKED! Every chain restaurant/coffee shop has a nutrition guide. Not always easy to find but it's there. Legally, by law on website. Basically, you want to look at Calories, fat and Sodium.

Today at Moe's (burrito chain) I watched as I often do what people order. The girl in front of me ordered a burrito wrap and then topped it double meat (one serving is sufficient) with all the fixings rice, beans, cheese, sour cream, and queso cheese. She said,"a healthy portion of queso cheese (liguid cheese) please." the guy, like most employee's had a heavy hand and globed at least a 1/4 c of sauce on. He looks at her and she says, "a little more" OMG, so psychologically her saying "healthy amount" made her feel good.
She is not alone many folks order this and don't even realize how many calories they are consuming.

I googled the nutrition value as I ate my "naked bowl" no burrito. The wrap is almost 400 calories and had 8g of fat. That's before she even added meat, rice, beans,cheese etc. WOW, her burrito was easily over 1000 calories and the sodium content was off the chart. I'm sure she followed it with chips and a soda.
Typically, woman should eat between 1,500-2000 calories a day.  Don't get hung up on that number it's an estimate.  Never drop below 1,500 calories a day.

She didn't' even realize she ate her whole daily allowance in ONE meal!

Tostitos chips are deep fried. I have a weakness for chips so I opt to not get the burrito=compromise
You see it's a balancing act. Also, cheese is very fattening so I exclude it from my sandwich. This was hard at first but now I'm used to it. I'd rather waste my calories on a sweet treat later in the day=compromise;)

At the Salad Bar:

Any diet you follow vegetables are usually unlimited. There is very little calories in vegetables yet they fill you up with nutrients, fiber, vitamins and disease fighting phytonutrients. 

I see this time and time again. People go up the the salad bar. Load there plate with minimal vegetables and fill the plate with cheese, croutons,fried foods,  pre made mayo salads and then smother it with ranch. There salad looks like a mountain. You might as well had the cheeseburger and fries from McDonald's. It probably would of been less calories.
* Fill your plate with a mixture of bright colored veggies. Put on a few croutons, sprinkle cheese if you must and ONE ladle of clear dressing. Or another option is to dip your fork in dressing before each bite. This gives you the sensation of eating your favorite dressing.

Sabotaging Friends:
We all  have friends and family members that sabotage us knowingly or not. People get nervous when you change. Change scares people.


TIP: Google menu before you arrive. Have your mind set on what you are going to order.
*If you are going out to eat with a group of friends and feel you will cave into temptation. Eat a small healthy snack before you go. This way you arrive satisfied and can make a healthy choice. If you arrive famished chances are you will over indulge and make a poor food choice.
If this is not possible meet with friends in a different location or join them after dinner for coffee and share a dessert.

When you form healthy habits it will eventually be able to stay on track.

Cheat Meal:
Once a week schedule a cheat meal. This will keep you on track all week. Make sure it's ONE meal not the whole day.

Extra calories of any food will turn into fat on the body! Excess of ANY food the body can't utilize will be stored as fat!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Beginner couch to your first 5k program. Q & A Fartlek/speed work/Tempo runs

A majority of non runners decide one day to run. They lace their shoes up and head out the door. They typically don't make it far.  You need to start with a 8 week run/walk program. I PROMISE~ you will see results! I trained many, many folks with this plan.

Even if you can't run more then a minute or two right now. Within a few weeks you will be running longer. It's so cool to watch someone go from barley running a few minutes to 30+ minutes.

One of my greatest memories in my training career is when I trained a group of 30 people to run there first 5k. The youngest was 12 years old and the oldest was in her 70's. All these people had one goal in mind to complete a 5k. One gentleman had a bi pass and was cleared by his doctor. A running program builds self confidence and is a great feeling of accomplishment!

Equipment: Running shoes, sports bra, sunblock and a watch
 Optional: water/fuel belt and GPS watch

Why you have to start slow:
You have to be patient when you start a new running program. No matter how great you feel you have to build up your weekly mileage slowly or else you are going to get injured.

To start I suggest you run 3 days a week.  You want to run every other day or depending on your schedule. Once you have a strong base you can run back to back days if need be.

You want to follow the 10% rule: This is where people run into injury.
10% Rule
Your total weekly mileage should only be increased by 10% of your TOTAL weekly mileage.
You can't run 2miles/2miles/2miles =6 miles/wk and then the following week run 4miles/4miles/3miles=12 miles/wk That is to much of a jump. EVEN if you feel like a million bucks don't keep running you will end up with an injury.

Running is not a test you can't cram runs in. If you miss a scheduled run don't' sweat it. Don't skip the scheduled run. Get back to running as soon as possible and pick  up where you left off.

Fuel: Anything less then 45 minutes only requires water. Runs lasting longer then 1 hour should be fueled with a sports gel/blocks/sports beans, etc. If your looking for a natural alternative they sell honey sticks or dried dates. Typically, you would never eat food on a run as it would cause stomach distress. 

Eating before a run: This is a must for me. There is an on going debate in the fitness industry. You'll have to see what works for you. HOWEVER, my advice is to eat at least an hour before your run. A banana, smoothie, bagel w/peanut butter, egg sandwich, etc. Nothing to heavy or greasy

You have to experiment with foods. What works for me may not work for you. Once you find that meal stick with it. Then your guaranteed a happy run. If what you eat gives you indigestion/B.R break, etc. DON'T eat it again. Try another meal.
When I first started running I would eat a bagel w/butter. Banana's repeated on me. Other's swear by the banana. Now I eat a bowl of oatmeal and I'm out the door. No issues. Again, you will have to experiment.

I would not recommend running or exercising on an empty stomach. BREAK (the) FAST..

I've  heard people say, "running is bad for your knee's, your heart, etc" That is ridiculous and not true.
UNLESS you are advised by a physician
Running strengthens your bones and makes you stronger. Now, if you run 7 days a week umpteen amount of miles then yes, maybe. Any thing is excess is not healthy!

Injury: Almost all running injuries are from a jump in  your weekly mileage. Many people ignore small aches and continue to run. Most injuries are from prior weeks not from the last run.
The main reason you need to starts with a walk/jog program is to build up your skeletal and muscular system. To much to soon results in small fractures also know as shin splints. THIS WILL PUT YOU OUT OF COMMISSION for a few weeks. Your better off building slowly, injury free. This way you don't need to stop!

When following this plan you are not to worry about running to slow. We are not worried about speed we are trying to complete the minutes required. If you can't complete a run. Slow down next time. Completing the time is more important then how fast you are running.

After you build a base and can run 3 times a week consistently for a solid 2 months. Then I would suggest speed work if that is a concern. See explanation below 5k plan.

Warming up prior to your runs is very important. Stretching AFTER you complete your runs will insure you stay injury free.

Link on runner's stretches w/pictures

You will have amazing runs and days you just don't want to run. We all have them! Listen to your body not your MIND. Even if you don't want to go. Get out the door and go. No one ever returns from a run and says. "I wish I didn't run" you will feel energized and ready to face the day;)

This plan may seem tedious at first but stick with it and run for the required minutes. Running is not just exercise it's Science based.  The minutes completed will result in a 5k and a new runner;)
It can be done on a treadmill. If you are training for a 5k you want to practice outside.

Couch to 5k:

WEEK 1: Do this workout 3 days a week. 
All runs below start with a 5 minute warm up

Alternate 1 minute jogging followed by 2 minute walk. Repeat this cycle for 20 minutes

WEEK 2: 3 Days a week
5 minute warm up
Alternate 1.5 minute to 2 min. jog/2 minutes of walking. Repeat for total of 20 minutes

WEEK 3: 3 Days a week
2 min. Jog/2 min. walk/3 min. jog/3 min walk REPEAT 2 times

The following week you will run a steady 5 minutes. YOU CAN DO THIS! Don't worry about speed we are working on time and endurance.

WEEK 4: 3 Days a week
3 min. jog/2 min. walk/5 min. jog/3 min. walk/3 min. jog/2 min. walk/5 min. jog = 23 minutes

WEEK 5: You will run 3 times but each run will be a bit different this week. NOTICE the total mileage is the same. It's just broken up diffently. Go slow and complete the minutes. Speed is irrelvant.
RUN 1: 5 min. jog/3 min walk/5 min. jog/3 min. walk/5 min jog = 21 minutes
RUN 2:
Again this run will psych you out when you see  it but you are ready for it. YOU CAN COMPLETE IT:)
Jog 8 min/5 min walk/ jog 8 min = 21 minutes
RUN 3:
Run 20 minutes straight no walking.  Your ready for this! It will be a bit of a struggle but you will do it! If you need a brief walk break that's fine. Don't beat yourself up about it

RUN 1: Jog 5 min/3 min walk/ 8 min jog/3 min walk/ 5 min jog = 25 minutes
RUN 2: jog 10 min/ walk 3 min/ jog 10 min =23 min.
RUN 3: Jog 22 minutes no walking

WEEK 7: 3 runs
Each run this week you will run for 25 minutes straight. No walking!

Each run this week you will run 28-30 minutes straight. No walking

Congratulations YOU DID IT!
If you need any support via web/text or email. I am here and will help you with any self doubt, questions, running issues, etc!

Now for those of you who already have a base. You may want to work on getting fast or increasing your mileage.

Running LINGO:

When you run you should be able to hold a conversation while you are running.

Long runs:
These are done one time a week when you are trying to build a base for longer distance. Such as 10k,  half/full marathon.
LONG RUNS ARE NOT MENT FOR SPEED you are training the body to go further then it's normal limits. You will want to run these slower then normal pace. You should be able to hold a conversation. If not slow down. It may seem boring but you want to cover the distance as you are pushing the body. Run your long runs to fast and you are asking for injury;(   Typically the day before a long run you should not exercise.

Tempo runs: You would typically start out at normal pace (able to hold a conversation) for a mile or so. Then you will increase your speed a bit faster (you can hold a conversation but you will talk in broken words) then your typical pace. Hold this pace for a mile or so followed by a cool down. (conversation pace)
Why do this: you are teaching the body to run and work more efficiently.

Fartlek runs:  Yes it is a weird name;) Basically you go out for no rhyme or reason. It's an unstructured run. You alternate hard, medium, slow paces.  You might jog fast from lamp post to lamp post followed by a brief recovery slow jog. Go by how the body feels that day

Interval runs/speed workout:  to build speed. This should be done more then ONE time a week when you first start. Again, resulting in injury.
After a warm up you will sprint 2 minutes at a  hard/fast effort followed by a 2-3 minute easy jog to catch your breath.  Repeat...

Unlike Tempo runs where you want to run fast enough to hold a pace for longer duration speaking in broken words
With the interval/speed workout you will run a fast pace where you are counting the seconds to stop. You should not be able to hold a conversation. However, the sprints are held for a shorter duration. Followed by a 3-4 minute recovery walk/jog.  Repeat for a 200-30 minute workout.

Example: I like to go to a track and run one lap as a warm up. I sprint the straight ways and walk/jog the curves. I repeat for a total of 2-3 miles. Followed by a cool down lap.

The secret is in the recovery as patience and discipline while you’re running easy allows you to run the next interval strong and finish the entire workout fatigued but not completely spent. Just like rest, your body adapts and gets stronger in the recovery mode.

Friday, August 30, 2013

At home video workouts- no weight needed and Intermediate/Advanced 3 day split workout @ Gym

Here are 2 links - online workout videos from  Lori Harder. They can be done at your own pace at home. Little to no equipment. The first link is a 22  minute workout w/light dumbbells.
 Second link No EQUIPMENT NEEDED = full body workout

Below is a Gym workout for Intermediate/Advance 3 day split lean program

If you are tired of doing the same old routine. Here is a great building muscle workout. 1 month plan

You will do 2-4 sets of heavy weight /4 reps. followed by 2 sets of lighter weight/12 reps (higher reps)
You want to lift heavier then normal weight since you will only be doing 4 reps. Should be heavy enough you can't do anymore then 4 reps but not so heavy you compromise form!

For the second half of the exercise- Whatever your weight reduce it by 10-15lbs to complete 2 sets of 12 reps.  Your muscles will feel fatigued and the last few reps should be difficult.

NOTE: complete 1 full exercise before moving on the the next exercise. Rest 30 seconds to 1 minute between sets.

Do this workout on weeks 1 + 3

On weeks 2 + 4 same exercise but increase from 4 to 6 reps and increase from 12 to 15 reps. Reduce weight accordingly.

Day 1:
Chest, shoulders and Triceps

Flat bench-DB press    4 sets/4 reps followed by lighter weight 2 sets/12 reps

Incline Barbell Press     3 sets/4 reps followed by lighter weight 2 sets/12 reps

Pec-deck flye or DB fly 2 sets/4 reps " " 2 sets/12 reps

Push-up 2 sets to failure


overhead barbell press              4 sets/4 reps followed by lighter weight 2 sets/12 reps

machine lateral raise or DB        3 sets/4 reps followed by " " 2 sets/12 reps

Reverse pec-deck flye               2 sets/4 reps followed by '' '' 2 sets/12 reps


Press down                              4 sets/ 4 reps followed by lighter weight 2 sets/12 reps

lying triceps ext.                       3 sets/ 4 reps followed by ''   '' 2 sets/12 reps

DB kickback                            2 sets of 12 per arm

Cardio 30 min.


Squats                                       4 sets/ 4 reps followed by lighter weight 2 sets/12 reps

Bulgarian Split squat                   3 sets/ 4 reps (each legs) followed by ''   '' 2 sets/12 reps
(one leg on bench)

Lex ext. machine                        3 sets/4 reps followed by "  " 2 sets/12 reps

DB step up                                3 sets/4 reps followed by " " 2 sets/ 12 reps

Reverse lunge                            3 sets/4 reps per leg

Seated leg curl                           2 sets/ 12 reps

Calf raises                                  4 sets/12 reps


Decline crunches                         4 sets / 12 reps

15-20 reps/2-3 sets

floor crunches
V ups

No Cardio

DAY 3 Back -Biceps

Deadlift                                   4 sets/4 reps followed by light weight 2 sets/12 reps

Lat Pulldown                           3 sets/4 reps followed by "  " 2 sets/12 reps

Seated cable row                     3 sets/4 reps followed by " " 2 sets/12 reps

DB Shrug                               3 sets/ 4 reps followed by " " 2 sets/ 12 reps


BB Curl                                 4 sets/ 4 reps followed by 2 sets/12 reps

Incline DB Curl                      3 sets/ 4 reps followed by 2 sets/ 12 reps

Ez Bar preacher curl               3 sets/ 4 reps followed by 2 sets/ 12 reps

Cardio 30 minutes

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Refuel after a workout. Protein Powder. Why am I gaining when I do cardio weekly?

Woman start to lose muscle mass starting at the age of 30 and bone density after the age of 40.

Why is this important?
When you lose muscle mass your metabolism slows down, hence, weight gain. When we lose muscle we are at a higher risk for injury.  You want to be able to keep up with your children and grandchildren!

Eating after a workout?
When you workout, run, zumba, cardio, dance, etc you are burning/depleting your glycogen storage. Glycogen is stored in the muscle, and it gives you the energy to workout/cardio . You must re fuel after a workout within 30 minutes to 1 hour.

How does the body make Glycogen? 
Carbohydrates are stored as glycogen in the muscle and liver. This is why you don't want to restrict your carb's. Your body needs carb's for fuel.  PROTEIN is used primarily as building material.

Why do I have to Re fuel?
Refueling after a workout will force the body to begin repairing and building muscle.
Did you ever workout and feel like crap? You just can't lift that day or don't' have the energy to get through the class? That's because you didn't refuel properly the days before.  If you want to feel energized and ready for your workouts you must re fuel!

What happens if I don't re fuel?
Our bodies are amazing machines. If you don't fuel it properly it will steal from another source. YOU DON"T WANT  THIS TO HAPPEN. If you don't refuel properly your body has no other choice but to steal from your muscles!! yikes
TIP:  Remember what I just said about losing muscle. If your body starts fueling off your muscle you will end up gaining weight! 


Why is adding muscle key?
For every pound of muscle you gain your body will burn approximately 50 additional calories at REST! 
It takes energy to keep muscle alive. It takes no energy to store fat on the body, fat will not leave! You have to burn it off through exercise or reducing calorie intake. 

Gaining muscle is not as easy as gaining or losing weight. Often when people first start working out I hear them say, "oh, I gained weight. It must be because I gained muscle" WRONG. If you are gaining muscle you should be shedding weight. You are consuming extra calories which caused weight gain

Your wondering what to eat?
The fastest way to get fuel to the body is drinking a Protein shake within 30 minutes after a workout.
You want to eat a balanced meals within 2 hours of your shake

How to pick a protein powder?
There are so many brands and types of Protein powder on the market. Which one do I pick?
Here are a few tips you want to look for when deciding on your purchase.
Ideally, you want to pick a WHEY protein. If you don't want animal protein there are alternatives. Sun warrior and Vega are vegan protein options.
Again, we've talked about this time and time again. The shorter the ingredient list the healthier it is.

TIP: The first ingredient should be WHEY PROTEIN ISOLATE not Concentrate.
Whey protein Concentrate is more of a filler. Leaving you heavy and bloated for hours.

As a woman I typically use 10oz. of water and 1/2 of the large scoop. It's very hot here in FL so I can't keep coconut/almond milk in my car to mix. I typically eat a small banana with my shake. 

If I am home sometimes I will mix 1/2 protein scoop with peanut butter, milk of choice, banana or frozen blue berries/strawberries, etc. in the blender. This is more of a meal and will hold you over longer. 

Below is the best, cleanest protein I can find on the market. It's pricey but it should last a few weeks, you only need 1/2 scoop.  You can find it at a Vitamin Shoppe or health food store. 
It mixes very smoothly in a shaker. Other proteins are clumpy and don't mix well.

Jay Robb Whey Protein 

You can't out exercise a bad diet! You are not entitled to a heavy, fatty meal after a tough workout. You might as well just stayed home!

During your workout lasting under 1 hour. You need nothing more then WATER. Anything more then that and you want to replenish the body with a clean sports drink. Try to stay away from Gatorade it is loaded with sugar and high fructose corn syrup.

Your workouts shouldn't last more then hour and half tops! If your training for an event that's different. If your just at the gym for hours on end. You are wasting your time and not working out correctly if you can last that long.

Cardio Junkies

You know who you are. You go to the gym or your class. You have that special spot/cardio machine. You get on it everyday doing the same workout. Your body needs a challenge. Every 4-6 weeks you should be switching up your routine. IF you are NOT you are not burning calories like you did when you first started. The body will adapt to exercise.

When people start to run, train for an endurance event, or take nothing but cardio classes they end up gaining weight/flabby rather then leaning out.

Why does this happen?

Remember~The body will steal from your muscles if your not fueling correctly or doing to much cardio. If you do nothing but cardio classes multiple times a week you are burning muscle.To balance it out you must incorporate resistance/weight training to get maximum results.