Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Make your own Easy No Bake Energy Bars

Many people rely on Protein bars. They are quick and great in a pinch.

TIP: You are always better off eating "Real Food"

Why not just buy a protein bar?

Many protein bars are Glorified candy bars. Loaded with TONS of ingredients, sugar, Fat and "junk"

CLIF is one of the best known protein bars that I used to recommend. Here is the ingredient list:

Ingredients: Organic Brown Rice Syrup, ClifPro® (Soy Rice Crisps [Soy Protein Isolate, Rice Flour, Rice Starch, Barley Malt Extract], Organic Roasted Soybeans, Organic Soy Flour), Organic Rolled Oats, Organic Toasted Oats (Organic Oats, Organic Dried Cane Syrup, Ascorbic Acid, Natural Vitamin E [Antioxidant]), Dried Apricots (Apricots, Dried Cane Syrup, Rice Flour, Citric Acid, Ascorbic Acid), ClifCrunch® (Organic Oat Fiber, Inulin [Chicory Extract], Organic Milled Flaxseed, Organic Oat Bran, Psyllium), Organic Cane Syrup, Dried Apricots, Organic Date Paste, Organic Sunflower Oil, Natural Flavors, Lemon Juice Concentrate, Citric Acid, Sea Salt, Colored with Annatto.o.

Not to bad~ However,there is controversy about Soy protein Isolate. 

Also, the added ingredients to preserve for shelf life.

These home made bars are simple and quick to make!!


I prefer the "protein balls" (pictured below) unbaked and frozen.

We made them yesterday and they're kid approved! 
Not typical in my house=)LOL

I originally learned this recipe from Tosca Reno. I've been following her for years. Clean Eating Magazine and Oxygen Magazine.

Back Pack kisses

 To make the Protein Power balls you will need:
1/2 C Old Fashion Oats
1/4 C Protein Powder (I used Sun Warrior Chocolate)
2 Tbsp of Hemp seed (omit if you don't have any or sub Chia)
2 Tbsp flaxseed (make sure they are ground)
1/4 C Dried Cranberries
1/4 C Chocolate Chips
Pinch of sea salt
1 C Peanut butter (natural)
2Tbsp of honey or brown rice syrup. (I never used Agave but I'm sure it would work)

TIP: You can sub different nut butters and/or any dried fruit you have in the cabinet.

First, I mixed all the dry ingredients together. Then I mix in the peanut butter and honey. (I used kitchen Aid)
Next scoop into bite size balls (I used cookie scoop)  Roll them into bite size portions as shown above.
Then place them in freezer (as pictured above). They thaw within minutes.
In the picture above I baked them on a greased pan @325 for 10 minutes.

"Granola Bars"

I found this recipe on Runner World
For years I have been making a similar recipe that an old friend taught me. However, since it in very hot in Florida the bars melt.

This recipe was very easy. No protein powder required and they DON'T MELT;)


2 cups of Oats
1 Cup of coconut (I left this out. I don't like coconut)
1/2 c of chopped Almonds
1/2 c of chopped Cashew
1/2 c of sunflower seeds
1/2 c chopped DATES. 

Mix and set aside

In a new bowl mix:

1-1/2 C of peanut butter or Tahini
1 C of honey
Place in microwave for 1 minute
After you remove from microwave~ add 1/2 tsp of PURE Vanilla

Combine wet and dry ingredients. Mix well (kitchen Aid)

On an 11x9 baking sheet spread the mixture out. It will be sticky and warm. Approximately 1/2 inch thick.

Two options here:in picture above I baked them

1. place in freezer no less then 1 hour. Once chilled slice into bar size.

2. Bake @325 for 15-20 minutes. Once cooled cut up. You can individually wrap them and store in fridge or frozen. Again, they thaw very quick!

They will last 6 months in freezer. In my house they are gone quickly.

Again, you can sub/add-in nuts and fruits.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Tackling the Cardio machines and Base Line Balance Test

Don't fear the Elliptical 

When you first use this machine it can be very difficult. 
 5 minutes can be very discouraging. 
                                                                      DON'T GIVE UP! 



1. When you first start the machine. Make sure you choose "Quick Start" this way you can keep the level at zero.

2. Look at the wheel or the legs of the machine. MAKE SURE THE WHEEL IS ROTATING CLOCK WISE. For some reason when you first get on it will tend to roll backwards. (not all but some).

What should I do If I can only do 5 minutes?

If you start out and can only last 5 minutes. Then get off and finish your cardio on a different machine such as bike or treadmill. For a minimum of 30 minutes combined.

Next visit to the gym:

Get on elliptical again. This time increase your time by and additional 2-3 minutes. This will push you out of your comfort zone. Again, get off and continue with the rest of your cardio on different machine.

Repeat each visit to the gym until you work up to 20-30 minutes on elliptical consistently. You will improve over a few weeks. I PROMISE YOU=)

 It's pretty cool to see your progress increase.

Once you have mastered the elliptical you can then challenge yourself with a pre-set program. 

NOTE: If you already use the elliptical weekly. Challenge yourself with a NEW pre set program. Don't just get on the same old machine at the same level and intensity. 
Mix it up to rev that metabolism!

After you have done the elliptical for a few weeks it's time to try a different machine. The next machine I would suggest is the Arc Trainer.
Cybex 350a Arc Trainer Image

The Arc trainer is similar to the Elliptical. One noticeable difference would be that the foot pedals are the same level. If your unsure look for the name printed on machine or ask trainer. 

The picture to the right is a Stair Climber. This is not an easy machine. 

Not to long ago after doing the treadmill/running and elliptical.  I thought I'd give this a try.

I was winded after a few minutes. I couldn't believe it!  Never mind the fact that there was an elderly man next to me making it look effortless;( I did as I stated above and increase my time.

The treadmill: if you are always doing the same speed and distance. CHANGE IT UP!!

Try running at a faster pace for 30 second intervals. Increase speed for 30sec-1 min. and then decrease for 30sec-1min...(longer if needed) This changes it up. Really blast fat and the metabolism. Or increase the ramp level. There are so many options. Google treadmill workouts

People are creatures of habit. I see the same people get on the same machine and do the same workout. Then they bitch about how they aren't seeing change. Change comes from changing your routine and machine. Remember your body adapts and you will not burn as many calories doing the same exercise like it did when you first began. Adaptation 

Here is an ex.of how I do my weekly runs-swims-bike ride-etc:

1 day I do a short run. I keep a faster pace as it's shorter.

1 day a easy (moderate effort and distance) workout.

1 day I throw in a track workout. 
Short burst of intervals
Ex. Sprint the straight ways and walk the curves.

Or on the treadmill I'll do 30sec on/30 sec off at a high speed for 20-30 minutes.

1 day I'll do a long run. Long runs are done at a SLOWER speed as the body adapts to increased distance and time.

You can use the same format on whatever cardio you choose. 

Take this balance TEST:

Balance: we don't' realize how bad our balance is until we test it.

Try this:    a. stand up lift one leg. If you can only do this for seconds you are at a high risk of falling and breaking a hip or something else.

If you can balance for more then 30 seconds THEN move to B.

b.  close your eyes. This is more challenging. You will probably begin to sway.... If this is easy you are GOOD;) Move on to C..

c.  balance on one foot with your eyes closed slowly turn your head right to left.
 *Most folks don't get past a and b.

Practice balancing daily until you build up to 45 sec to 60 seconds before moving to the next challenge (b,c). This will take weeks to improve.

*note~ you will have better balance on one foot verse the other. 

You can also walk toe to heal across the room. As though you were taking a sobriety test. If this is easy ~ walk backwards toe to heal.

You should  have a starting point before you exercise:

~ test your balance
~see how many minutes you can do cardio before you get winded.
~how many push ups you can do. (on knee's if plank is to hard)
 After a few weeks of exercise you can re take the test to see your progression.

Friday, March 22, 2013

We are all busy but don't buy into expensive "convenient food"

We are all super busy but don't fall for these "convenient foods" 
They're loaded with added processed ingredients "junk" remember when you can't pronounce ingredient your body sees it as an invader.

Many opt for "Quaker maple and brown sugar instant oatmeal" the ingredient list is as follows:



The ingredients are listed in order by MOST to least. 
TIP: Anything that ends in "OSE" is a SUGAR. 

I'm sure you're like me. After this little bowl I'M STARVING and not satisfied.

What should I eat? 

Healthy Oats for LESS money=)

I would PRE- measure baggies and fill them with:

Quaker Quick 1 minute or Old fashion: 1/4-1/2 cup 

TIP: Since I eat lots of oatmeal I buy organic oats, in bulk at the health store.

Add in suggestions but not limited: Apples, blue berries, dates, dried fruit, cinnamon, fresh/frozen fruit,sweetener  ex..honey/agave/maple syrup/vanilla) to taste as it will be more bland. Nuts,nut butter, protein powder, hemp seed, chia, flax...I'm not suggesting all of these..they are examples to mix and match. Your taste buds will adapt after a few days. 

Comparison of above brown sugar packet vs homemade. If you use 1/4-1/2 cup dry oatmeal, 1 Tablespoon of brown sugar, and a dash of real maple syrup. It only contains 5mg of sodium which comes from syrup. VS this pre-packaged with a whopping 260mg of sodium..YIKES = Hello water weight.

Egg sandwich;

The Jimmy dean sandwich

Put down and RUN!!!

Here is an alternative and takes minutes:
1.slice whole wheat English muffin and put it in the toaster. 
2.Start cooking an egg in the pan (alt.you could beat and heat in microwave for 40 seconds) also heat up Canadian bacon. (lean protein)
3.Toast pops and eggs are ready. Layer with bacon, sprinkle with shredded cheese and add some salsa;) other ideas: avocado, tomato, sprouts, vegetables.
Yum,  out the door only 5 ingredients 

Here is the ingredient list for a Jimmy Dean Sandwich:

Can you believe it took ALL those ingredients to make an egg sandwich!!!

Remember the lesson here~fewer ingredients= happiness for your body.

A few QUICK Breakfast idea's:

Steel cut oats: add 1 cup of steel cut oats to a crock pot. Fill with 4 cups of water. Let it cook over nigh it'll be ready to eat when you wake up. Or you can cook it during the day. (Always read your crock pot book, they all differ). Store left overs in pre portioned bowls to enjoy during the week.

Pre make crust less egg quiches in a muffin tin. Make sure you add veggies in there;)Again enjoy all week.

Yogurt parfait: PLAIN Greek yogurt (fage/chobani) granola, natural sweetener to flavor, fresh/frozen fruit. layer and enjoy;)

Veggie or Fruit smoothie. When I'm in a hurry I take my same oatmeal as stated above (no water-I sub almond milk) add to magic bullet blender (uncooked) and out the door. I drink it!

Another yummy treat. Take 1/2 chopped apple sprinkle with cinnamon heat for 1 minute. your supposed to use a sweetener (I don't). Remove~ mix with cottage cheese. It's delish;)

Any HIGH FIBER cereal: such as Ezekiel, Kashi, Nature's path~ these are just a few off the top of my head. You can eat with plain yogurt or milk. I use almond or coconut milk

I know we all love our bagels however they are dense and processed. If you must eat them limit to 1-2 max x's a week....hollow (scoop guts)them out then toast and top with peanut butter, egg or hummus for added protein;) Read ingredients, look for the shortest list. Typically frozen have a shorter list. They are fresh and won't last therefore they need to be frozen.

My kids love to take a wheat tortilla, spread with peanut butter, slice a banana and drizzle with honey, then roll it up!

I also make pancakes and waffles from scratch on the weekend. Google recipes or pull out a COOK BOOK. It's fast and worth the extra time. Make extra and freeze or pre-portion in baggies for quick morning meal;) BOB Red Mill's flour has a recipe on the bag.

Wheat pancakes/waffles smeared with nut butter and fresh fruit. Or partially mashed fruit, heated for natural syrup.

I hope this gives you some ideas and you see how QUALITY will be cheaper, faster and more nutritious=)

Don't fall for "quick meal scams" 

 We're all in a hurry but we need to SLOW DOWN

We eat for pleasure and make poor impulse choices as food is always readily available on the shelf. 
We no longer eat for survival. 
Of course you want tasty food. However, we over eat, in hale and consume mass calories, we barely chew anymore.

-Next time your eating. Stop and look around. Most people have their heads down inhaling/shoveling the food in. They barely chew, acting as if they aren't going to eat ever again. 

-Slow down, put the fork down between bites, CHEW 10 extra times before you swallow your food, really taste and enjoy it. It takes approximately 20 minutes for the stomach to tell the brain "STOP I'M FULL."

-If you are stuffed after your done eating YOU ATE TO FAST. 
I used to eat so quick. People would comment~ WOW,(gosh embarrassing and rude...lol) you're done? I always said, "OH, I have to eat quick, I have little ones." After a few people made comments over time I started to think maybe I am eating to quick? It was hard to slow down. It was now a habit, it took time. Conscious thoughts while eating but I slowed down, started to enjoy and chew my food. REAL (garden) food makes you chew and will fill the belly. Leaving you full and satisfied for hours.

As far back as I can remember, when my son eats, he looks like a chipmunk. I'm not sure how he packs that much food in his mouth at once! I have to often say little bites....breeeeeaaaaath (while taking a deep breath), enjoy the food! He is in such a rush to get back to playing. Thankfully, he has a super fast metabolism;)

You may think..My child doesn't have a weight problem so you buy them these "convenient" fast foods. However you are arming and molding there foundation/habits for life. Make sure your building them a strong, healthy, natural, nutritious, energetic foundation with a balance of "treats"  NEVER DEPRIVE A CHILD OF FOOD. My kids can eat whatever but they can only have ONE portion. ONE sugary drink a day. If they are still hungry they are always welcome to fresh fruit;) 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Understanding Fat Cells

Understanding FAT (visceral and subcutaneous)

Subcutaneous fat is OUTSIDE the abdominal wall. This is the fat you can pinch with calipers/fingers. 

Carrying weight in the belly is far more dangerous then carrying weight on your butt and thighs (pear shape).

Visceral fat:  this is the most dangerous fat. It is BEHIND the abdominal wall. This fat surrounds (basically suffocates) the organs. Putting you at a higher risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer and now they believe dementia~(some are calling this type 3 diabetes)

**this is why if you reduce your body fat you reduce your risk/medication dose possibly even stop medications. 
Only under a doctors orders

NOTE: there is an essential amount of body fat needed to maintain life.

Essential fat10–13%2–5%

When losing weight if your wondering which "fat" your burning it's irrelevant. What matters is that your waist circumference is no more then 35 inches for women and 40 inches for men. 
(use a tape measure~ measure around the belly button)

-People often say: "I want to lose this" while pinching a spot of fat on the body.
You can not spot reduce 
     **What do you mean by spot reduce?
When we lose weight it can not be taken off in a specific (spot) place. When you lose weight it comes off evenly over the body. 

 * Remember the old Thigh master/ab roller? You could do 1000's of these however you will not wake up one morning with awesome thighs/abs while the rest of your body remains over weight. You can only strengthen the muscle below the fat. 

In order for your Abs to show you have to lower your overall body fat significantly through a well balanced diet and exercise. Yes, there are a few genetic freaks out there that eat bad and still have abs ...GGrrrrr ~generally they don't have a weight issue.

   Ab exercises should be done every other day just like any other muscle group. They need time to repair and grow during rest.

There is no need to do 100's of abdominal exercises. 3 -4 sets of 12-25 reps per abdominal exercise is sufficient ~Think about it: Have you ever seen a guy/girl with a six pack and excess body fat else where? NO, they are typically very fit, very low body fat and very muscular.

-Another common question: "will this skin disappear?"  Usually while grabbing the flabby tricep (aka bat wings). No one knows until you get to your idea weight. Then you can re evaluate based on what skin is left. When you add weights and grow muscle this tightens the flabby skin=)

On these" fad diets" if you lose weight to quickly you risk flabby skin. Your skin will sag not having time to burn off . This is why a slow weight loss is best. Plus, studies show the slower it comes off the longer it stays off.

It takes minimal energy to keep fat on the body. In other words fat won't leave unless you burn it off (exercise) HOWEVER it takes energy to keep muscle alive!

We start to lose muscle mass every year starting in our 20's!! It goes faster with each decade.

What about fat cells: Fat cells NEVER go away. What happens is they deflate and remain dormant.  This is why initially we feel like we are losing inches yet the scale doesn't budge.
 It will move in time.
However, when you overeat and intake to many calories the fat cells start to fill "spill" ~ re filling those dormant cells. This is why folks feel that it's easier to gain after an initial weight loss. 

Initially through birth and puberty we have a certain number of fat cells. However, as you gain weight  you can make new fat cells. You can never get rid of fat cells. However, YOU decide whether to inflate or deflate them. 

This is another reason we don't want the younger generation to add extra fat cells at an early age. This sets them up to battle and remain overweight for life. 

Eat a balanced diet today.
Increase your fruit and vegetable intake
Move for a minimum of 30 minutes

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Gym and Exercise Q & A for beginners and advanced

It takes NO energy for the body to hold onto fat. That's why it won't budge unless you work it off through exercise.

However, it takes energy to keep muscle. For every pound of muscle you put on, the body burns an approx. extra 50 calories AT REST! This means your metabolism is working fast and burning more calories. This will enhance weight-loss along with a proper nutritious diet.

Why am I not losing? you may be doing too much cardio. This is all to common. People take classes and do cardio, cardio, cardio and never lift a weight. This works initially but eventually leads to a Plateau.  I go in-depth later in the Q & A.

What happens : eventually you start to burn off the little muscle you have which LOWERS your metabolism. Doing the opposite of what you really want. This is why weights are very important. For every pound of muscle you put on you increase your metabolism by approx. 50 extra calories AT REST through out the day not just during exercise! wahoo
***Just by adding muscle your body's metabolism runs faster. 

I DON'T want big muscles. This will NOT happen ladies. We don't have enough testosterone. 

We all have a certain muscle that gets bigger faster. It's based on your genetics. Embrace this~ show that muscle off proud;)
After time you will lose the fat surrounding the muscle. This will result in a TONED tight look.

Why should I lift weights? There are many benefits to lifting weight. Especially as we age.

YOUR HEART RATE WILL RISE DURING EXERCISE . Especially when doing a leg workout. 

How often should you work out? 3-6 days a week.

How long should a workout take? 30- 60 minutes. Unless your training for something you should be done with weights within 30-45 minutes. (Depending on fitness level). Then cardio for 30 minutes.

Should I do cardio first or last? It doesn't matter. If you find you'll skip it at the end then do it at the beginning of your workout.  It gets complex with an advanced sport specific routine.
How much cardio? 30 minutes is ideal. you can do more but no more then 60 minutes. Unless your outside running/hiking or riding a bike. You risk burning your hard earned muscle down.

You want to workout and be out of the gym in a realistic time. If you are there for hours you are over training. Remember it is the quality of your workout not excessive time that makes a difference.

What should I do? If you are new to exercise you should do an OVER ALL body workout.
If you are more advanced then you should start a split routine.

What if I've been doing and overall workout? Initially, I would advance you to a 2 day split routine. One day multiple upper body workout. Then the next day follow a lower body multiple workout. Followed by a rest day or light cardio day. Repeat

More advanced: I would do a 4-6 day split routine depending on dedicated days allotted. You can email me personally for help.

TIP: You should start with an every other day weight routine (MWF) (T,TH).You need to let the muscle rest/repair and grow.
~Cardio can be done everyday with one day of rest. Remember this can be done outside the gym.

Where do I start? with the largest muscles LEGS Most circuits start with leg press and end with triceps. working the largest muscles to the smallest.
EX: you don't want to start with triceps and then move to chest. Your arms will be fatigued already which will result in poor chest exercise performance.

Typically the machine you hate to use is the most beneficial. This muscle is probably weak which is why you find it difficult. This is the machine you need the most!

TIP: Ask the guy behind the counter to show you the machines. It's his job. Or he can direct you to someone who can. Most gyms give a complimentary Personal training session USE it. Even if you don't plan to buy sessions.
 Knowledge is POWER my friends!!

All the machines have a picture and directions. You will see highlighted muscles in picture. These are the muscles you should feel working during exercise. Note:  this doesn't guarantee good form.

Should I do circuit or free weights? if you have no idea what you are doing. Stick with the circuit you will get an overall workout. Later you can progress to free weights.

My weight is not budging? The body adapts. What does this mean:  initially when you first started to exercise you might of burned 250 calories. Weeks later still doing the same exercise the body has adapted. This now becomes your NORMAL and you burn LESS calories doing the same exercise because your body is burning more efficient now. This leads to a plateau.

DON'T GIVE UP OR GET FRUSTRATED. This is a positive thing you have increased your fitness level. Now it's time to challenge yourself to the next level. 

What is a Plateau? A plateau is when you've been exercising for a few weeks 6+ and weight loss or stamina starts to slow down

.Initially you are successful when you first start exercising. However, after time the body stabilizes and you may feel "stuck" 

How to get over a plateau? Every 4-6 weeks you  have to challenge the body and start a new routine. We are creatures of habit and don't typically like change. Challenging yourself will result in change.

Change up your normal routine.  take a new class,  start free weights, start a split muscle routine, increase intensity/ level, cross train (swim or cycle instead of running), tweak your diet, or start introducing  interval training.
 ****This is not recommended for a newbie! Interval training is taxing on the cardiovascular and muscular system. It can lead to injury and burn out if performed incorrectly! You should have a minimum base of 3 months before preforming.

NO EXERCISE should hurt or cause pain. If it does, you may be doing it incorrectly  Stop and ask the trainer for assistance.

Burning sensation is normal but not actual pain! Some people are sore the night of exercise, some the following day and others two days after a tough workout. This is normal but should not be crippling.  If it is you did to much and need to lessen the intensity next time.

How many reps and sets should I do: Initially you want to do 10-12 repetitions of the exercise followed by 30 second or more if needed rest. Repeat 3x's

Intermediate or advance: You can increase weight and do less reps 8-10 reps/4 sets. For muscle building. For stamina you can do an active rest. Between sets you can do burpees,  jump rope, or ballistic exercises. No rest between sets. This is a challenge!

How do I know if the weight is to heavy or light: If you can't finish a set with PROPER form the weight is to heavy. If you can do more then 12-15, the weight is to light. Ideally 3/4 of the way through the exercise you should feel the muscle start to burn making the last few reps difficult while maintaining form.

A few tips:
You should eat before you workout. You risk getting light headed and passing out. Ideally you should eat 2 hours before a workout to avoid indigestion.

You do NOT need anything more then WATER unless you workout last more than 60 minutes. You don' t want to waste your calorie intake on a unnecessary sports drink.

Everyone is different. Experiment with different foods. I try to keep it bland and simple.

YOU MUST EAT WITHIN 30-60 MINUTES AFTER A WORKOUT. You need to refuel the body after you just depleted all of your stored glycogen. IF YOU DON'T you risk the body metabolizing the hard earned muscle you just started to build. I drink a water based(it's to hot here to keep anything else in the car) protein shake along with a banana or other fresh fruit. Followed by a balanced meal with in 2 hours.

Don't be that person who gets on the same machine everyday. 

Don't be that person who leans on the arm rails of the cardio machine. Stand tall and look ahead! Your legs/glutes should be doing the work.  If you are slumped over you are wasting energy and not using the correct muscles.

Don't leave your mess for the next person to clean up.


Friday, March 15, 2013

Emotional Eating and tips on how to end it...

We have tried numerous diets. We have been successful at times. 

Now it's time to dig deep~ this task is not easy my friend but will be rewarding and eye opening!

Emotional Eating:typically this happens after your normal 3 square meals.

Once you figure this out you will be successful at 
               KEEPING THE WEIGHT OFF. 

All to often we eat out of boredom, anxiety, sadness, rejection, guilt,success and even happiness. 

Until you find your reason you will continue to sabotage and yo-yo diet. 

*This my friend is not easy and will require homework! You  have to listen to your body. It is an eye opening experience  

Once you learn your triggers you can re direct these sabotaging habits with healthy alternatives.

Many people eat their feelings~stuff them down: 
I'm sure this isn't news to you.

First you have to recognize your triggers.
This is why keeping a diary of food is so important. 
Second realize this is not only with food. It could be with work, exercise, cleaning, alcohol, or any addictive trait you have.

~Food never says NO! 
~You may feel guilty about something and the food comforts you. 
~You feel like a failure
~some people fear success.

The list goes on and on

~On the other end. People eat when they're really happy and excited (This is my issue~ mostly) 

I believe it stems back to childhood. We always celebrated with food. Birthdays, Graduation, heck ANY exciting milestone in life we went out to eat. This is how I eventually associated food with reward.

For YEARS I felt like I was "Entitled" to eat out and it was a punishment to eat home. Crazy right?! This is how I was sabotaging myself.  No one ever told me to feel this way, it's just something I developed myself over time. You have to figure out yours.

I would lose weight and feel fantastic! Then I would "reward" myself by going out to eat. This only lead to sabotaging myself and putting myself back on the roller coaster of "DIG IN" you can afford the extra calories! 

For weeks I would "fall off the wagon" only to feel defeated and back at square one;( 

A few weeks later, I would get back in the gym and start all over again. Only, to repeat this pattern over and over.  I think this is the definition of Insanity...LOL  At the time I did not see the pattern. It's looking back now...

Eventually, I realized what my triggers were.It's a process and still I'm learning...

One example: Hot fudge Rocky Road ice cream. My favorite! Actually, since I've conquered this I can now pass it up. 

When I feel like eating a hot fudge sundae or driving miles out of my way to pick up ice cream. I stop and ask myself~Why do I want this so bad right now? What am I FEELING right now? Do I really want this? What am I not facing?

It could of been that hurtful thing a co worker/friend/family member said. 
A fight you just had with your significant other.
Stressed at the kids, work, life
You didn't get the promotion
Again the list goes on and on~

Once you can answer these questions you can re direct and resolve your feelings.


 Honestly, once I answered these questions and found the root at that moment. I didn't feel the urge anymore. 

The answer is there but you have to focus and ask in the moment BEFORE you sabotage.  You become so focused and high on this treat that your basically push/stuff the problem down with comfort food. 

TIP: AT THAT EXACT MOMENT OF SELF SABOTAGE BEFORE YOU OPEN THE BAG/BOX/CAN ASK YOURSELF~ WHAT AM I FEELING? WHY DO I FEEL A STRONG CONNECTION TO THIS FOOD RIGHT NOW?  You will honestly be amazed that there is a connection. Stop this cycle and you will be successful, your relationship with food will change.

What food do you run to? Think about WHY you eat it? What does it remind you of? how do you feel when your eating it? It's the after affect that leaves you feeling defeated. Before this happens Ask yourself those powerful words and answer them honestly. 

EXAMPLE: Ok, she pissed me off. Now I'm mad....Mad may mean hurt,hurt may mean you may feel rejected. See you have to dig deeper than just I'm pissed off.  

I hope this helps you on your journey as this is a huge key to your success.

Learn to love and fuel your body with fresh foods. Fueling your body with nutritious healthy food will result in harmony and peace within the body. 

No one ever felt weighted down or defeated after eating broccoli;)

Make good decisions today and get moving!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Portion control ~ The scale

You weight is a reflection of what you did last week. Not the night before.
 If you are successful with weight loss it 's because you had a successful past WEEK. 

One"bad" meal won't make you overweight just like one "healthy" meal won't make you skinny.

Portion Distortion-learn what a portion is. With enormous plates/cups, super size, and restaurant portions. We can't recognize what a portion is anymore. 

 You must get on a Scale:

If no one else see's your weight that's fine~ but you MUST face reality. If you refuse to weigh yourself then  you are in denial and not ready to change.

Measurements:You should have a few basic measurements. I do waist/belly button.  I find it easier to measure around my belly button.
Hips: make sure your feet are together and measure the widest part of the hips~(around your butt).
For extras measure thighs, biceps, chest and shoulders. 

Don't weight in on Monday. You will be swollen with water weight from the weekend. 

TIP: Weigh-in on Wednesday mornings. This is probably the most accurate reading. If you had a tough weekend and are back on schedule by Monday you will of lost the water weight by Wednesday.

If you are losing half  to 2 pounds a week you're on track. If you lose nothing then re-evaluate your eating last week and tweak this week. 

10+ pounds a week is unrealistic unless you're on the Biggest Loser. I love this show.  However, you can't realistically expect that weight loss. They are working out for hours, their meals are monitored and tailored specifically for them. 24 hours a day!

Don't weigh yourself everyday. You will go insane. Hormones, water weight, hidden sodium, etc. can cause a 2-3 pound fluctuation.

Sometimes you will lose inches and it won't reflect on the scale. Give it time~ it will catch up.
 If your clothes fit better you're on track.

TIP:  it's almost impossible to gain a pound overnight. 
You'd have to eat Approx. 3,500 CALORIES.

How many calories should you consume? There are tons of apps out there to help you with this.

Woman should never eat less then 1,100 calories. Ideally you should eat 1,500-2,000 calories a day.

I don't calorie count. It's a pain and tedious. Besides most folks underestimate what they really consume.
If you make fresh/natural choices and split your plate into quarters. You'll be successful!

It takes weeks/months to gain muscle.

Food Journal: I can't stress enough about keeping a food log. I started doing this again.
~I might think I had lots of veggies the last few days but when I look back, I can verify what I REALLY ate.
~You would be amazed at what you learn when you look back. 
~When you have a successful week ~ repeat it=)

You can jot down exercise duration, mood, hours slept, stress level, aches/pains, food intolerance/allergies . Some people like to note how they feel~happy,sad, lonely, bored, angry. 

 I try to go by the motto of "bite it~ write it" 
I can't tell you how many times I forgot what I ate earlier.

Swapping simple foods can reduce your calories:
Swap red meat for lean poultry, tofu, fish, or turkey.
Swap Mayo for mustard
Swap Whole milk for 2%
Swap Fried for grilled or baked
Swap a soda for Water/tea
Swap chips for apples dipped in peanut butter or string cheese
Swap cookies for humus and carrots or pita
Swap Special K for Kashi/oatmeal
Swap candy bars for clif bars/lara bars/luna bars
Swap potato for sweet potato
OPT for cottage cheese, greek yogurt (chobani/fage)

Don't deprive yourself but reduce your servings:
If you always have 4 drinks cut back to 2.
Instead of eating out 2xs go out once.
Moderation is key
Pack your lunch. Be prepared

Start to walk and just move=)

When I'm out you'll always see me with a BPA free water bottle, protein shake, fresh fruit and raw unsalted nuts/dried unsulfa fruit.

Obstacle are those frightening things that become visible when we take our eyes off our goals”
Henry Ford

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Chicken breast could be contributing to High Blood Pressure

If you or a loved one has High Blood Pressure this is a MUST READ:

Ever wonder why there is such a drastic price difference per pound for Chicken Breast?

They are adding broth, water solution, and other additives to the Chicken Breast. Which means you are paying for WATER WEIGHT.

1st Example: Rotisserie chicken has a whooping 18% water solution added to it. WOW, and that's not including the sodium in the other added seasoning! And not to mention you may add more salt once you get home and chop it up. YIKES!!! No wonder your so thirsty and swollen after you eat Rotisserie.

2nd Example: Tyson's (famous word) "All Natural*" chicken breast with an added 12% chicken broth PER 4OZ. Again this is before you seasoned or even cooked it!

Below I have copied the nutrition facts for raw chicken breast with added solution. It has a whopping 220mg of sodium again before you even cook it!!

Nutrition Facts

  • Serving Size: 4 OZ. SERVING (112g)
  • Servings Per Container: 10
  • Amount Per Serving
  • Calories from Fat 20Calories 110
% Daily Value*
  • 4%Total Fat 2.5g
    • 3%Saturated Fat 0.5g
    • Trans Fat 0g
    • Polyunsaturated Fat 0g
    • Monounsaturated Fat 1g
  • 22%Cholesterol 65mg
  • 9%Sodium 220mg
  • 0%Total Carbohydrate 0g
    • 0%Dietary Fiber 0g
    • Sugars 0g
  • 46%Protein 23g
  • Vitamin C 0%Vitamin A 0%
  • Iron 4%Calcium 0%
* Percent daily values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
Boneless, skinless chicken breasts with rib meat contains up to 15% natural chicken broth. ALL NATURAL CHICKEN BROTH INGREDIENTS: Chicken broth, salt, natural flavorings.

Ok, now you're saying WTH.....What should I buy?

I'm Glad you asked=)

When buying Chicken breast you want to READ the Nutrition label. I have noticed that if it's fresh never frozen the sodium is minimal and normal for processing.

Here is a a Publix label, fresh, never frozen, chicken breast. On the label they state up to 1% water retained.

Notice the nutrition label below: Sodium 40mg per 4OZ.... PERFECT

  • Amount Per Serving
  • Calories from Fat 40Calories 140
% Daily Value*
  • 6%Total Fat 4g
    • 8%Saturated Fat 1.5g
    • Trans Fat 0g
    • Polyunsaturated Fat 0.5g
    • Monounsaturated Fat 2g
  • 22%Cholesterol 65mg
  • 2%Sodium 40mg
  • 0%Total Carbohydrate 0g
    • 0%Dietary Fiber 0g
    • Sugars 0g
  • 50%Protein 25g
  • Vitamin C 0%Vitamin A 0%
  • Iron 0%Calcium 0%
* Percent daily values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

Next time you go grocery shopping and there is chicken breast on sale. READ THE LABEL. Even if you have to get Organic and pay a few more dollars. Remember you are actually getting more meat for you money. Less water solution means the weight per lb is accurate and no skewed by added water!

Tip: if you can't lose weight and are always swollen this might of been the culprit. Spread the word and educate your friends and family=)