Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Over Load Of Information, Push Up's. Bonus vegetable pasta recipe.

WOW, my head has been spinning for the last few days. I am so over whelmed with information that it's mentally exhausting.

Eat this
Don't eat that
Go back to eating whole dairy
Drink Raw milk
Food Additives
Hidden MSG
Carbs, Grains, Legumes
Gluten Free
And when you think you are doing things right. Well, Think again it's probably wrong?AAAHHHHH???!!!!!

What should I do?

Relax, breath, meditate, yoga, limit your exposure to info.
Go Back to the Basics

Eat wholesome, rainbow assorted veggies
TIP: Try to eat carrot, pepper strips, celery, cherry tomato's for snack. 
Salad for lunch with variety of lettuce
Add Veggie into a tomato based pasta dish

click for recipe

Lean meat~organic if it's in your budget.
TIP:  If  your buying store brand make sure it has no added water solution. You don't want to waste $ on sodium water! click here if you missed my blog on chicken

Drink water throughout the day.
TIP: If your not a water drinker ~remember it will accelerate weight-loss by flushing toxins out of the body.

Exercise: Walk, Jog, Hike, Swim, Bike, Run, Stairs, Track, Gym, Dance~ Just move for at least 30 Minutes.

If you have been doing cardio and have hit a Plataea it's time to start weights.

I showed you in my Squat blog .

Now Lets talk about push ups

IF you can't do a push up follow picture here:

If this is still to hard you can do wall push-ups
THIS is recommended if you are pregnant

For more advanced moves you can re position your hands which will target different muscle groups.

Ideally you want to do 3 sets of 15-20. Rest for a minute of two and then repeat.

If this is to easy or you are doing 100's of push-ups it's time to challenge yourself.
Try re positioning your  hands as pictured above OR spider push up pictured below

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Milk Alternative

Milk Alternatives. Which one do I choose?
These are different types of milk I use.

I am not a milk drinker. I use milk on occasion when I eat cereal or make a protein shake.

I usually cook with it.

I try to alternate between them. (Which ever is on sale)

If you notice the third one over has the small symbol on the bottom left corner NON GMO. This is the symbol that will soon be on all food labels. (hopefully)
There are many folks fighting for our right to know what's in the food we are eating!(hooray for them)
To date Whole Foods is the only store requiring any food sold in their store to be labeled NON GMO (by 2014). This is a huge step and hopefully other stores will follow.
This subject is for another Blog.

Back to the milk
There are several other brands and types of milk alternatives out there. These are the ones I stick with.

You sub the exact amount in your recipe.

I think Almond milk and Soy is similar to whole milk.

You just have to be careful when you cook with them. The flavor can alter the taste of the dish (coconut/vanilla). 

Typically I buy the unsweetened original flavor. 
The vanilla or sweetened has added sugar.
The last one pictured above is Target brand soy milk.
Yes, there is controversy on Soy. I rarely use soy milk. 
When I eat anything Soy I will only buy Organic. 

You can purchase these products at any grocery or health food store.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Different types of Kale and a Kale chip recipe


Kale is considered a Super food. There are many benefits to kale. 

If you never had Kale you maybe curious about it. There are several different types of Kale. Red kale and Dino Kale are a few I have tasted. They are very different in taste and texture.

I used to buy Glory pre-packaged chopped Kale at the grocery store.

The Problem: 
This Kale is chopped however they don't remove the stem/rib. The stem/rib of kale can be eaten but they are tough (in my opinion). I do not like them.

I started getting a different type of kale from the farm market. It was very tender and I was convinced it wasn't really kale. As I had only eaten the above bagged stuff. 
It was so different in shape and texture. Very tender and light. I believe it's called Russian Kale.

Then there is Dino Kale~ a bit tougher

over the weekend at a local market I purchased Red kale~ Pictured below.
There are many things you can do with Kale:

~You can eat it raw in salad (not my favorite way)
~Saute it
~Add in smoothie
~ use it as if it was spinach

~kale chips
These take minutes to make

Pre heat  over to 350-375 (oven's differ) 

The picture below isn't the best representation. I used Red kale. As you can see the rib is reddish/purple. 
(long raw piece on back of plate in picture below)
Wash and spin dry. 
Rip into bite size pieces. Place on cookie sheet. 
NOTE: Do not over lap  pieces.
TIP: I like to hold rib and rip bite size pieces. 
dis carding  stem

I use a spritzer  Spray oil evenly over Kale chips. 
Then I sprinkle with salt and garlic powder. 
Mix and coat with tongs.
place cookie sheet in oven. 
They usually crisp up within 8 minutes. watch closely. 
You can check half way thru and flip chips. 
you just want them to dry up a little like a chip.

I prefer mine crispy. I should of left them in longer but they were still yummy!


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

At Home Squats~ NO# 1 Exercise to learn


I've heard Clients say, "I can't do squats I have bad knee's, it hurts my back, I have....fill it in cause I heard it all!



The reason you have BAD KNEES and BACK issues is because you have poor form and weak muscles.

IF your knees pass over your toes you are putting enormous pressure on the the knee risking injury!

The safest and easiest way to learn to squat is with an exercise ball. As seen below.

Place the ball behind your back (on the lower curve). You want your feet out in front of you not directly below you knees. You should feel like you are leaning back on the ball. When you squat to the sitting position your knee's should not pass over your toes. IF THEY DO stand back up~ walk your feet forward and repeat.

THIS IS SO IMPORTANT: from sitting position push thru your HEELS to stand back up NOT your toes. You will want to naturally push with your toes to stand up. In order to engage the glutes you must push thru the HEEL of your foot to stand back up. This will strengthen the legs and lift the butt.

Somewhere along the lines of  aging we developed bad habits. If you watch a young child they have great form and posture. You never see a young child hunched over or slouching. The child pictured below has great form! This is what you want to mimic in the weight room. However, they now recommend you shouldn't drop below 90 degree's.

The biggest mistake I see in the gym: peeps load up the bar with weight and have terrible form

TIP: Don't add weight until you perfect the squat.

This  takes WEEKS/MONTHS of repeated reps to perfect. As you get tired the legs will naturally compensate and you will have poor form. LOOK IN THE MIRROR and watch your form.

TIP:   When not using a ball remember to keep your back flat NOT hunched.  keep eyes focused at ceiling or straight ahead NEVER at the floor. This will keep your back aligned.

TIP: Feet should be shoulder width apart, toes pointed forward or SLIGHTLY out. Lower to 90 degrees. USING YOUR HEELS stand back up, repeat 12-15 times 3 Sets.

If you don't have a ball you can use the kitchen chair. Put it  against the wall. Stand a few feet ahead of the chair, lower until almost seated and return to standing position. Repeat 12-15 times 3 sets

Beginners: sit and stand. Intermediate: Lower and let butt brush chair. Stand back up pushing thru your HEELS.

BONUS: You can do these anywhere, work, waiting room, watching TV

This is normal. The legs are the largest muscles. You get the added bonus of a cardio workout when preforming leg exercises!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Why I am so passionate about health, wellness and nutrition?

Why am I so passionate about preaching Health, Wellness and Nutrition?

I know first hand how a  poor diet can wreak havoc on the body. Some folks don't realize that what they eat effects their overall mood, bloat, stress level, weight, depression level, mood swings, sleep deprivation, acne,etc~it can be reduced just by changing what you eat. 

If you have always been overweight you may not know this to be true. When you start to add nutritious foods to your body your mood, sleep and energy will increase naturally. 

As a trainer I hear all sort of stories. Most stories are very similar it's just a different face sitting in the chair. 

Mainly people want to lose because they are not happy in life. They think by changing their weight happiness will follow. This is not always true. You may feel better temporarily but happiness comes from within not from the reflection in the mirror.
Figure out what's making you sad.
Change that and your weight will change without effort.

When people first start to workout their energy increases and they can't believe how great they feel.

I've had clients just increase there water intake daily and feel better. When you feel better you tend to naturally make better food choices.

I have had clients that workout and after just 2 workouts report back how energetic and better they feel. Aches and pains disappear, sex drive increases (TMI), self esteem sky rockets. 

The dress size doesn't real matter, thou a bonus. It's the awakening of the body.

Could this be a placebo effect? Maybe, maybe not either way they feel better and that's the goal!

I've always said, "the body is AMAZING and can adapt to whatever you throw at it. BUT can only be abused for so long." It will eventually start to rebel. However, genetics can either speed up or slow the process."

Over the last few weeks I've heard the same story repeated that I used to recite when I was a smoker.

As if eating healthy is a punishment and boring. It couldn't be further from the truth.

People who eat a poor diet usually eat the SAME foods day in an day out.

Those that eat well tend to have a more flavorful palate and indulge in a variety of foods.

Yes, we are all going to die of something. This is true~there is no escaping.

Yes, you can eat really well and still end up sick with disease. However, it's how well your body responds and heals itself. When I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism I've eliminated and tried everything to cure it! NOTHING works. It is what it is and I've learned to live with it.

I eat well and exercise because it gives me energy, increases self esteem, lowers/eliminates anxiety/depression. I realize this doesn't guarantee that I will live disease free but I know i'm going to live my life satisfied and happy with myself.

I used to fall off track go out to eat, make poor choices and follow it up with the motto "dig in". Wake up the next day feel bloated, angry and overall  shitty. I would again repeat this process. It would end up being a down ward spiral.  This would effect my mood, self esteem and  reflect on to my family life. Eventually, I felt the connection with poor food choices and my mood. This was a no brain er.  However, it's not easy to break a habit. You have to make a conscious decision, dig your heels in and arm yourself with a plan of success.

How  many times have you said I'll start MONDAY. Monday rolls around and you make a bad choice and continue until the following weekend only to start MONDAY again!. This pattern repeats

Learn to wake up and forgive yourself, move on and start fresh. 
TIP: this is NOT a DIET, It's a LIFESTYLE

This Sunday I made veggie egg muffins.

I prefer to eat oatmeal with fresh fruit in the AM. Eating eggs and veggies everyday is tough for me. What I did was take all the leftover potato, sweet potatoes, kale, asparagus and mushrooms. Tossed them in a pan and sauted them up. 
In a separate bowl I mixed 4 to 5 eggs and 2 cups of milk. 
Spray a muffin tin and filled each one up with my mixed veggies. 
Then pour the egg mixture to cover veggie.  
Placed cupcake tin in a 350 degree oven for approx. 30 minutes or until set. 
while cooling run knife around each muffin to loosen. 
I stored them in Tupperware. Each morning I heat one up and enjoy with my oatmeal. 
I'm getting added protein and a portion of veggies;)

Note: you could add any ingredients and smash between two pieces of 100% whole wheat toast for a complete on the run breakfast.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

What does Clean Eating Mean?

What does "Clean eating" ~"Real food" & "Whole food"  mean?
These words all mean the same thing just different jargon
 It's food found on the outer perimeter of the grocery store. 
 Fruits, Vegetables, Dairy, and Meat. Usually it is grown or farm raised. There is no ingredient list or a SHORT list.

What does "Processed Food" & "Junk" mean?
This is food found on the inner isles of the grocery store. Basically anything on the inner isles is processed, high sodium, high fat, high sugary boxed foods with a long ingredient list of stuff you can't even pronounce. 

If you purchase most of your groceries from the inner isle. You should re-evaluate your eating habits. You want to shop primarily on the outer isle of the store.

We all have a certain food that sabotages us. We know it's keeping us from our goal. Instead of depriving yourself figure out how to make a healthier version.

The kids wanted cinn a bun. I found a recipe and made them from scratch.  It was a treat and I know the exact ingredients because I made it. Also, I controlled the portion size of them!

TIP: Cut bread, ice cream, cake, treats into small pieces. They will always go back for SECONDS. If you make the portion small it's a trick and they think there getting more. IF you cut large slices they'll still go back for seconds but this time consume tons of extra calories.

When you first start cooking with new recipes it can feel like a huge task. 
Sometimes you will make amazing meals and sometimes it's a disaster.

Friday I made a few meals from a website I follow. The recipes where a disaster:( This happens sometimes. I try to cook from recipes sites and books that I had success with in the past.

Over the years I've added new recipes to my "typical" meals. 
Don't let the bad meals discourage you!

Years ago when I first started cooking I got most of my recipes  from Cooking Light. I love this magazine! However,sometimes they call for lots of ingredients. I felt like most of my day was spent shopping and prepping. 
Then dinner was served and the meal was eaten in minutes. It used to frustrate me...LOL It took ALL DAY and BAM! Gone in the blink of an eye. I should be happy they ate it....

What's worse is when it fails and comes out yucky;(

TIP: I keep a spiral note book of recipes I love and cook often. I still refer back and add to the book. 
You can find Apps where you attach recipes but I'm old fashion that way. 
I like to flip through my recipes when I'm stumped for an idea.

I also subscribe to Clean Eating magazine. Tosca Reno has several cookbooks. I own all of them! 

When I first learned about these books I would only cook out of them seldom~1 or 2 recipes a month. I didn't like these foods/meals they seemed to hard core. After years of trying different recipes. I started to mainly only cook from them. 

I came from eating out nightly, fast food, and sweets. 
Switching to a non processed diet is hard at FIRST. 

You basically have to re train your "high jacked" taste-buds. By eating boxed high sugary foods you are addicted to these foods. 

Here is an example. I used to eat high sugar boxed cereal/maple and brown sugar oatmeal. When I switched over to Quaker Oats and added my own fruit, honey, and nuts I thought it was very bland and nasty. I knew it was good for me so I kept eating it daily. Eventually, I acquired a taste and now I love it!

YEARS AGO: I used to drink coffee with splenda AND hazelnut creamer. I then learned splenda was NOT sugar even though they claimed it was. My taste buds were so used to super sweet "high jacked" that when I ditched the splenda and only used creamer it was NASTY! Again, I drank it for a few days and eventually my taste buds changed.
NOTE: this was many many years ago. 

I'm just trying to give you a few examples of what you may experience when you get off these high sugar foods.

I used to eat fruit with table sugar sprinkled on it. This is crazy now when I think about it. Fruit is so sweet and delicious it doesn't need extra table sugar!

EX:  if you use 6 tsp of sugar/artificial sweetener start cutting back a little each time and soon you will wean your taste buds. 

Once you re train your taste buds food will be so YUMMY. The flavors are like an explosion of taste.

Organic doesn't always mean "healthy" It seems now they make any junk food "Organic" sugar is sugar and processed it junk. Don't be fooled by "organic oreo's, cookies, etc

This week think about what food is sabotaging you? Figure out how to reduce the amount or replace it with a healthy alternative. Change one thing a week. Don't overwhelm yourself. Remember this is a LIFE STYLE not a diet. 
Also,Give yourself credit for making this change!
This was to cute  not to post

I often here I only lost 1 lbs. This is awesome! A few months ago you were GAINING/MAINTAINING. Be grateful for the small stuff. THEY EVENTUALLY ADD UP.
This is a real picture of what fat looks like below the skin. ew

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Spinach Dip

This is a family favorite. I've been making it for years! I've been known to mash up navy beans and mix in for added protein. You could also mash cauliflower and mix in. I'm always trying to sneak in veggies on them.

I made it yesterday but the family ate it before I could take a photo.

It's from cooking light website
See ingredients below

Image result for spinach and artichoke dip cooking light


  • Preparation
  • 2 cups (8 ounces) shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese, divided 
  • 1/2 cup Low fat sour cream 
  • 1/4 cup (1 ounce) grated fresh Parmesan cheese, divided 
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • garlic cloves, crushed (I skimp on these)
  • (14-ounce) can artichoke hearts, drained and chopped
  • (8-ounce) block 1/3-less-fat cream cheese, softened
  • (8-ounce) block 1/3 less-fat cream cheese, softened
  • 1/2 (10-ounce) package frozen chopped spinach, thawed, drained, and squeezed dry
  • (13.5-ounce) package baked tortilla chips or eat with carrot sticks, celery, homemade pita chips
  1. Preheat oven to 350°. Combine 1 1/2 cups mozzarella, sour cream, 2 tablespoons Parmesan, and next 6 ingredients (through spinach) in a large bowl; stir until well blended. Spoon mixture into a 1 1/2-quart baking dish. Sprinkle with remaining 1/2 cup mozzarella and remaining 2 tablespoons Parmesan. Bake at 350° for 30 minutes or until bubbly and golden brown. Serve with tortilla chips.

Left over Ham

What I did with left over Ham from Easter
I found a recipe in the newspaper however I had to tweak it. The kids don't care for 
 red bell peppers, shitake mushrooms, chopped clementines,chopped pecans or walnuts, ginger, garlic, 
The original recipe also called for five spice powder (I didn't use)
I would of added broccoli but didn't have any;(

In the picture I used the following

Approx. 1 lb of chopped ham
1-fresh pineapple~diced OR 1 can of pineapple (keep 1/2 the juice)
 1 bag-pre- frozen rice mixture. (I would typically use brown rice)
In Pan: I browned a T of oil and chopped ham 3-4 min.
Then add diced pineapple until brown.
Heat rice mixture in microwave.
Add 3 1/2 T of soy sauce to stir fry
In a small bowl mix 2 T cornstarch and 2 T water until combined. Set aside
Add soy sauce and cornstarch to pan (this is when I would also add natural juice if you used can)
Evenly coat -add rice mixture and mix well!
If you prefer sweeter you could add some brown sugar

This took me under 15 minutes. It took longer to cut the pineapple up.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Dirty Dozen and Clean 15

Ever heard of the "Dirty Dozen" and "Clean Fifteen"?
See list below

This is a list of produce which you should buy organic as they are high in pesticides. Wreaking havoc on the endocrine/nervous system. There are so many toxic things in the world today, try to limit what you can. 

ORGANIC: People often don't have the extra money for Organic food. This list makes it easy and shows you which foods you should buy organic. 

On the list of "Clean 15" you DO NOT have to buy organic. These products have a natural low need for pesticides. 

TIP:I try to buy LOCAL first. Even though it's not always Organic.  I know exactly where my food is coming from. I also know that it is vine ripened/recently picked. In order to go Organic the small local farmer though using very low pesticides don't have the finances needed to get the "Organic Certification label"

TIP:If I am faced with a "Dirty Dozen" food~ I eat it. However,I would wash and peel the skin. Apples are #1 ranked as the highest in pesticides according to the "dirty dozen"

If you eat these foods seldom it's not a huge issue. However, if I'm feeding my family the "Dirty dozen" on a weekly basis I try my best to always get local or organic.

Local food is "vine ripe"

What does that mean? Most foods are picked weeks prior to being mature. Then they are frozen/sprayed (for color enchantment) and shipped to store.
Ever notice when you cut into a tomato the inside is green even though the outside looks ripe? That was picked prematurely. 
There is a distinct taste difference from a home garden/vine ripe tomato which has a beautiful red color on the inside and out. Most produce comes from California or out of the Country!

Eat in season~ learn what is in season and load up on them. Ask the produce section or at the local farmers market. Can or freeze to enjoy throughout the year. Most fruit can be cut up and frozen. I freeze peeled bananas, blue berries, hulled strawberries, peeled/chopped mangos, sliced pineapple, and cut up peaches. I put them in smoothies or toss in my oatmeal.

My farm was giving me so much corn, I started to turn it down. There is only so much  I can do with corn! The woman told me to peel the outer layer and chop tip of silk off. Place in a brown bag/freezer bag. I did this last season. Over the winter we enjoyed delicious corn on the cob=)

I just learned to Can. It is so simple! 
I know exactly what ingredients are in my homemade strawberry jam. This will last for 1 year on the shelf un opened. It won't make it that long~ it is delicious!! (Jordanne approved~the picky youngster)

Dirty Dozen Plus
Buy these organic
Red Pepper
Sweet bell peppers
– imported
– domestic
Green Beans
Green beans
+ May contain pesticide residues of special concern
Clean 15
Lowest in Pesticide
Sweet Corn
Sweet Corn
Sweet peas
- domestic
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes